Activities to Do With a 5 Month Old

Playing with your 5-month-old baby is a precious experience that fosters priceless memories. At this age, babies are becoming more aware of their surroundings and are eager to explore the world through their five senses. To encourage your baby’s healthy development and keep you both entertained, here are some activities you can enjoy with your 5-month-old.

(Quality) Tummy Time 

Tummy time—or letting your baby play and move around on their belly—is crucial for strengthening your baby's neck, shoulders, and arm muscles. It also helps prevent flat spots from developing on their scalp due to laying on their back too often.

Make tummy time more engaging and enjoy quality time with your baby by placing colorful toys just out of their reach on the floor, encouraging your baby to stretch and reach for them. You can also lie down in front of your baby and make funny faces or noises to capture their attention. Additionally, you can lie down on your bed or on a blanket on the floor and place your baby on top of your belly for tummy time face-to-face!

Baby Sensory Playtime

Introduce your baby to different textures and sounds with sensory play. You can create a sensory bin with safe household items like soft fabrics, crinkly paper, foam balls, stuffed animals, and rubber toys. Let your baby explore these items with their hands and mouth, always under close supervision. Sensory play helps develop their tactile senses and hand-eye coordination.


Peek-a-boo is a classic baby game that never fails to entertain little ones. It helps with social development and teaches your baby the concept of object permanence—the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they can't be seen. Use a soft cloth or your hands to hide your face and then reveal it with a cheerful "peek-a-boo!" and a smile. Your baby's giggles will be your favorite part.

Mirror Play

Babies are fascinated with looking at themselves in the mirror. Place a baby-safe mirror in front of your little one during tummy time, in the bathtub, or while they are sitting up. Talk to your baby about what they see, pointing out their eyes, nose, and mouth. Respond positively to your baby’s faces and interactions with the mirror. This activity helps with self-recognition and visual development.

Musical Moments

Music is a wonderful way to bond with your baby and stimulate their auditory senses. Sing nursery rhymes, play gentle music, or shake a rattle to the beat with your baby. You can also dance around the room with your baby in your arms. These musical moments can be soothing and joyful, enhancing your baby's mood and emotional well-being.

Story Time

Reading to your baby is a fantastic way to introduce them to language and storytelling. In fact, reading to your baby can positively impact their early literacy development. Choose books with bright pictures, soft board materials, and simple text. As you read, point to the images and describe them. Your baby will enjoy hearing your voice and looking at the colorful illustrations. Storytime is also a great way to establish a bedtime routine.

Baby Massage

A gentle massage can be a relaxing experience for your baby. Use baby-safe oil or lotion and softly massage your baby's arms, legs, back, and tummy. Baby massage can help with digestion, improve circulation, and promote better sleep. It also strengthens the bond between you and your baby through loving touch.

Playing in Nature

Take your baby outside to explore the natural world. A walk in the park or a stroll in the garden can be a sensory delight for both of you. Point out the sounds of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the feel of the breeze, the color of flowers. Let your baby hold safe items like leaves or feathers, watching so they don’t try to ingest anything. Being in nature can be calming for your baby and provides a healthy change of scenery from the indoors.

Simple Art Projects

Engage your baby's creativity with simple arts and crafts activities. Use non-toxic, washable paints to create handprint or footprint art. You can also let your baby explore finger painting on a large sheet of paper. These activities are messy but fun and provide a keepsake of your baby's tiny hands and feet.

Baby Yoga

Introduce your baby to gentle yoga poses that promote flexibility and relaxation. Simple movements like stretching their arms and legs or gently rolling them from side to side can be beneficial. Baby yoga can also help with digestion and relieve gas. Always ensure the movements are gentle and suitable for your baby's age and development.


Social interaction is crucial for your baby's healthy development. Arrange playdates with other babies of similar age. This provides an opportunity for your baby to observe and interact with peers, fostering social skills and emotional growth. Playdates can also be a great way for parents to connect and share experiences.

Water Play

If your baby enjoys bath time, consider introducing water play outside of the tub. Use a shallow basin with a small amount of water and let your baby splash and play. You can add floating toys for added fun. Always supervise water play closely to ensure your baby's safety. Alternatively, you can introduce them to natural shores of natural bodies of water like the lake or the beach, staying aware of their interest in the water or sand.

Building Blocks

Introduce your baby to the concept of building and stacking with soft, colorful foam blocks. While they may not be able to stack them yet, they will enjoy knocking them down and exploring their texture. This activity helps develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Puppet Acting

Use hand puppets to create a mini puppet show for your baby. Puppets can capture your baby's attention and stimulate their imagination. Use silly voices and movements to make the puppets come alive. This activity is great for language development and can be a source of endless entertainment as your baby marvels at the talking toys.

Savor Your Baby’s Play Milestones: Baby Connect

Engaging with your 5-month-old through these activities not only supports their development but also strengthens the bond you share. Remember to follow your baby's cues and adjust activities based on their interest and comfort level.

Baby Connect is an innovative app created with the busy parent in mind. In this app, you can conveniently track your baby's feeding schedule and diaper changes and even write down any notes for things you want to remember. Make the most of your baby’s playful moments and never forget a special milestone! Try Baby Connect for free today.


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