Baby Hair Growth: The First-Time Parent’s Guide

One of the fun things to fantasize about when you are expecting a bundle of joy is whether they will be born with a full head of hair or not. Some babies’ heads are as smooth as their bottoms, while others look like they have a wig on! No matter how much hair your baby is born with, they are perfect just the way they are. 

Regardless of the amount of hair your baby has, many parents have questions revolving around their baby’s hair (or lack thereof). Keep reading to learn more about your little one and what to expect when it comes to their luscious locks! 

How Fast Does a Newborn’s Hair Grow?

As cliche as it sounds, every baby has their own rate at which they grow hair. On average, it takes approximately 12 weeks for hair regrowth for their follicles. With that being said, most babies may not experience much of a difference in hair growth until they are 6-18 months of age, with some kids not experiencing any hair growth until two years old. There’s no need to worry if your tiny baby is still sporting a shiny head! 

You may be thinking, “How can I make my baby’s hair grow back fast?” Here are some quick tips to help encourage hair growth:

  • Brush your baby’s scalp. When brushing or rubbing your baby’s scalp, you are increasing blood circulation to their scalp and hair follicles. Add a little coconut oil to your baby’s head massage to not only help hair stimulation but for them to enjoy total relaxation as well! 

  • Detangle their hair. If your baby’s hair gets too tangled, it can become knotted and cause breakage. Regularly brush their hair to keep it smooth.

  • Eat a healthy diet. Studies have shown that eating certain foods can help promote hair growth. Some of these foods that are rich in vitamins are butternut squash, pumpkin, carrots, mangos, beans, meat, and eggs. Add these foods to your baby’s diet to help increase blood flow to their scalp! 

  • Only use soft towels. When drying your baby off from a bath, use a soft towel and gently dry their hair. A coarse towel can cause tangles and, eventually, hair breakage. 

Why Do Babies Lose Their Hair?

Your baby was born with beautiful hair, and suddenly you notice bald patches. You may begin to panic, but you shouldn’t! This is completely normal and happens to most babies who are born with a full head of hair. 

When a mother is pregnant with their baby, they can thank their hormones for strong and healthy hair. These same hormones encourage hair growth in their babies as well! Once the baby is born, both mother and baby go through a resetting of hair growth cycles, meaning they both can expect to lose some hair. 

Why Do Babies Get Bald Spots?

On top of some overall hair loss, babies can experience bald patches on their heads. Both of my babies had bald spots on the back of their heads. This can happen from continuous friction in one area.

Both my little ones loved to rub their heads against their crib mattress at night! This is normal, and it will grow once the rest of their hair begins growing again. They’re still just as cute, bald patch or not! 

Why Do Some Babies Have Dry and Scaly Scalps?

Some babies are born with a condition called “cradle cap.” This is painless and bothers the parents more than it does the babies! Cradle cap is scaly patches on a baby’s head and is usually caused by overactive oil glands in the scalp. This condition typically clears up on its own after a few months, but you can speed up the process.

To help your baby’s cradle cap clear up, you can take a soft bristle brush or washcloth and gently rub the scalp with baby oil. This moistens the patches and helps remove them. You can then wash their hair as normal. 

An important note is that the patches should not be picked off. This can cause an open sore and open your baby up to possible infection. 

Why Do Some Babies Have Hair All Over Their Body?

My daughter was covered in dark body hair when she was born. I had no idea this could happen, so you can imagine my surprise! 

In utero, babies are covered with lanugo, which is fine and soft hair that covers babies in the womb. Most of the time, this sheds before a baby is born. Babies that come out with lanugo are usually born early, but it can happen to babies born at full-term as well. 

Don’t worry, though; your baby won’t be this hairy forever! Over the course of the first few weeks, the hair will begin shedding on its own and will be gone before you know it. 

Can You Use Hair Accessories in Your Baby’s Hair?

When your baby is little and working on growing their hair, it’s best to avoid unneeded hair accessories. Hair ties can stress their hair and cause breakage. You can always give your baby a small hair trim to keep out of their eyes until their hair begins to grow thicker. 

Track Your Baby’s Hair Growth with Baby Connect

Your baby’s hair is what makes them unique, whether it means a full head of hair or a smooth noggin! Of course, it's normal for baby’s to have long and unruly hair or none at all. Many parents, though, find themselves concerned about hair loss or the emergence of bald patches. 

While hair loss in babies is completely normal and to be expected, keeping track of their milestones is always a good idea. The app Baby Connect was designed with your baby’s milestones in mind! Not only can parents and caregivers use Baby Connect to track their baby’s life, including hair growth, feeding sessions, and dirty diapers, but they can also hold important information such as doctor’s appointments.

Baby Connect is a one-stop shop to record all of a baby’s vital information – try it for free today

Jessica Manley

Jessica is an avid writer with a creative mindset. If she isn’t writing, you can find her playing with her two children, crocheting, or lifting weights at the gym.


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