How to Change a Baby’s Diaper: A Quick Guide

If you’ve ever changed a baby’s diaper, you know that it isn’t something they enjoy! Their tush is exposed to the air, making them cold and uncomfortable. You probably wouldn’t enjoy your bum being exposed to the elements, either! 

This is why changing your baby’s diaper can be a tricky task. And forget changing a poopy diaper; those are even worse! As your baby gets older, they learn how to roll, kick, and scoot, making it almost impossible to get their butts clean without poop getting all over. It’s almost like trying to change a diaper on an alligator!

It might seem impossible to change your baby quickly, but I’m here as a mom of two to tell you that it’s most definitely possible! Continue reading for a quick guide to changing your baby’s diaper. 

Gather Your Supplies

The most important part of changing your baby’s diaper is making sure you have everything you need on hand. One of the worst mistakes I made as a new parent was not having everything I may need to get them changed and comfortable! It took me far too many times to be mid-diaper change and realize that I was completely out of wipes, leaving me stuck between a rock and a crying baby. 

Before you start changing your baby, ensure you have everything you need when you change your baby’s diapers. This should be:

  • Diapers

  • Wipes

  • Baby powder

  • Rash cream

  • Changing pad or table

Babies can develop diaper rash from time to time from wearing diapers, meaning that it’s important to keep rash cream on hand! I learned this from going to change my baby’s diaper just to be greeted with a sudden red rash on their bum! Once I realized that I should have rash cream ready to go, it made my life much easier as I wasn’t putting a diaper back on them to go find the rash cream, just to repeat the process. 

Another thing to note is that if you have all of your supplies ready to go before the diaper change, the change itself will move a lot faster, meaning the less irritated your baby will be for disrupting their playtime! 

Use The Right Supplies for Your Baby

Every baby is different, meaning that some babies could have allergies to diapers and wipes that other babies aren’t bothered by! There are countless brands of diapers and wipes out there, meaning that you can try each brand before finding one that agrees with your baby’s skin. The rule of thumb is to try to find products that are dye-free and unscented, as these ones are least likely to irritate your baby. 

Using baby powder when changing diapers can help keep them dry and act as a barrier between them and the diaper. This means less diaper rashes and discomfort! 

Step-by-Step Instructions to Change a Diaper

Now that we’ve gone over how to prepare your baby (and yourself) for a diaper change, we can go step by step into how to get the job done. 

  1. Lay your baby on their back and remove the soiled diaper. Wipe them down with a wipe until they are clean. Be sure to clean each fold of their skin. 

  2. If there is any diaper rash, apply cream or ointment. 

  3. Roll your baby to the side and place the diaper under them. Roll them back onto the diaper and put the diaper on using the tape on the sides. 

  4. Ensure the diaper fits by checking for any signs of tightness.

  5. Get your baby dressed again.

When to Change Your Baby’s Diaper

If you’re a new parent, you might be unsure when to change your baby’s diaper. There are usually wetness indicators on diapers that turn blue when wet, but you can also tell your baby needs a change if:

  • Their diaper is sagging

  • You can smell pee or poop

  • You feel inside the diaper and feel dampness

If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to get your baby in a fresh nappy! 

When to Move Up a Diaper Size

As your baby grows, they will need bigger size diapers. This was something that I had NO idea how to gauge with my first child! Here are a few quick ways you’ll know your baby needs to be bumped up a size:

  • They wet through their diapers faster

  • The side tapes don’t reach the center of the diaper

  • Your baby has redness on their stomach or thighs

  • The diaper doesn’t cover your baby’s butt

Diapers usually have size charts, but they aren’t always true for each baby. Try to go with how it fits on your cherub! 

Keep Track of Your Baby’s Bowel Movements with Baby Connect

Monitoring your baby’s health is one of the most important tasks of a parent. Knowing what their normal habits are gives you insight into if everything is normal! As gross as it may seem, keeping track of their bowel movements is an important part of being a parent, as different colors can indicate issues. 

Long gone are the days of using paper to keep track of your baby’s bowel movements. With Baby Connect, you can document all of your baby’s important health information, such as feeding schedule, sleeping schedule, and bowel movements. You’ll never have to second guess when their last bowel movement was, as the information will be right at your fingertips! 

Download Baby Connect for free now.

Jessica Manley

Jessica is an avid writer with a creative mindset. If she isn’t writing, you can find her playing with her two children, crocheting, or lifting weights at the gym.


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