Sample Morning Routine with Newborn

Whether it’s your first child or you’re a seasoned parent, it’s easy to find yourself wondering what day it is, much less what time it is, you’re in the right place.

One of the most challenging parts of parenthood is waking up at the most random times and feeling like you have no time for yourself. You may feel like you’re going crazy, but something that can make an enormous difference is having a morning routine. We have you covered with a tried-and-true sample morning routine that will keep you and your newborn happy right here! 

A Sample Morning Routine With a Newborn Baby 

Once you become a parent, you’ll be inundated with advice telling you the “best” way to do everything. So much so, that it can feel overwhelming.

However, we’re all about results and trying to make you and your baby’s lives easier. We have some tips that have proven to help you be more productive, well-rested, and clear-minded.


Wake Up Before Your Baby

By now, you’ve probably already experienced your baby needing you at every waking moment. This equates to you not having any time for yourself in the morning. However, going to bed earlier so that you can wake up before your baby and get some alone time for yourself is well worth it! 

Of course, this isn’t always possible, as many babies wake up at different times or just wake up super early. You may be wondering, “Should I let my baby sleep in in the morning?”. We do recommend it! If it is an option for you to wake up before them, you’re likely to experience higher energy levels or simply feel better prepared to take on the day. 

Starting out with small steps can make this goal more achievable. Instead of waking up an hour earlier than normal, try 15 minutes earlier. Add on 15 minutes each week, and next thing you know, you’re waking up an hour earlier without feeling the impact. 

Create A Morning Plan 

Whether you wake up before your little one or not, having a morning plan can make an enormous difference.

Try writing out 3 to 5 goals you’d like to accomplish every morning. For example, you’ll want to include things like eating breakfast, getting your baby/children dressed and fed, doing laundry, etc. Add whatever works best for you, but make sure to write it down. You’d be surprised at what a difference having it on paper can make! 

Avoid Electronics

We know that this is easier said than done! You think to yourself, “I’ll just do a quick scroll to check my notifications”, and next thing you know, it’s noon. It’s absolutely a great source of entertainment, but also a great source of distraction. You’ll wonder how 3 hours managed to fly by and nothing has been accomplished other than maybe a few levels of Candy Crush. 

If you struggle with anxiety, depression, or stress, you may even find that symptoms improve from less smartphone use early in the morning. 

Turning on the television first thing in the morning is another habit for many. It can provide a sense of comfort to have the sound playing in the background. Perhaps you like to watch your favorite series while eating breakfast. If that sounds like you, try waiting to turn it on until later in the day, after you’ve accomplished your morning goals. 

If you absolutely can’t wait, try doing those chores as you watch, like folding laundry or pedaling on the indoor bike, if that’s your thing. 

Sample Baby Morning Routine 

Remember that this is only a sample, and you can adjust it to whatever suits you and your baby best. 

7:00 Wake Up

If your baby wakes up later, then take this time for yourself to do whatever you’ve written on your list. 

8:00 Baby Wake Up

Once your little one has opened their eyes, they’ll probably be ready for a change and some breakfast! 

8:20 Mom/Dad Eats

If you didn’t have breakfast before your baby woke up, you can do so now. Your baby has been changed and fed, so they’re probably happy to sit in a bouncy seat or hang out in a pen. While they do that, you can make sure the kitchen is clean and free of any dishes, crumbs, etc. 

8:45 Baby Gets Ready

Now that you and your baby are both fed and fueled for the morning, you can get your baby dressed. This is an important opportunity for you to connect with them, offering them your undivided attention. 

While you get them dressed, feel free to be silly, sing, dance a bit, etc. Babies absolutely love interaction with you, and it’s also crucial to their development. 

9:15 Parent Gets Ready

Okay, your bundle of joy is looking snazzy in their clothes, is changed, and with a full stomach. You should now be able to get ready yourself, without (many) interruptions.

While you brush your teeth and hair, get dressed, put on makeup, etc. your baby may enjoy laying and watching a mobile or just be near you. Depending on their age, they may even start to be ready for their first nap of the day

9:45 Laundry 

If you haven’t done so already, doing a load of laundry can be a big weight off your shoulders. As you have probably noticed, babies are not the tidiest of humans and will make sure you all go through a lot of clothes. 

10:00 Begin Your Day

Alright, you’ve already been quite the productive parent and it’s just 10:00! Now, you’re ready to take on whatever comes your way and hopefully feel much more relaxed and clear-headed.

To make tracking activities, feeding, naps, and so on more seamless, you may want to check out an app like Baby Connect. That way you eliminate the guesswork and can really hone in on a schedule that works for you both, with authorized user profiles for each child, parent, or family member. 

Try Baby Connect for free today on iPhone or Android.

Shayanne Weeks

Shay is a versatile writer originally from Boise, Idaho, now based in Los Angeles, California. When not writing, she's a touring music producer and DJ who tries to fit in time with her partner and 4 fur babies as much as possible.


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