Your Guide to the Ideal Temperature and Humidity for Babies

The soft snores of a slumbering baby are music to the ears of any parent. Creating a restful environment for your baby is crucial for their development and understanding the ideal temperature and humidity can make all the difference. 

Your most important hours of the day are spent sleeping. A good night’s sleep is what helps you feel refreshed for the next busy day. Long, thought-out decisions are made regarding the bed you choose. Is this mattress firm enough? Are these sheets silky soft? Does the pillow provide support for your neck?

Well, what about the temperature of the room? Maybe you’ve woken up in sweat on a sticky summer night or freezing cold in the dead of winter. It’s easy for us as adults to take off a layer or grab an extra blanket, but a newborn baby needs our help. You know that sleep is vital for their growth and every undisturbed minute is precious. The ideal temperature and humidity for baby in their bedroom may be the key to a good night’s sleep…for everyone.

Why Are Temperature and Humidity Important?

Before you leave the house each day I bet you watch the meteorologist on the news or open the weather app to see what the temperature will be. If you live where humidity is high then I’m going to wager you check those levels too. You want to know what it will feel like outdoors and can plan accordingly to be comfy on your day out.

Sleep is the same way. You want the bedroom at the optimal temperature, to feel just right before you bunk down for the night. You may feel tired but are still unable to fall asleep. Warm temperatures can cause discomfort and restlessness. Cold temps may cause you to shiver and not allow your body to slow down and rest. Both conditions can affect your REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. In fact, during REM your body almost stops regulating temperature altogether, which means you’re likely to heat up or feel chilled more quickly than you would during waking hours.

Paying attention to the ideal temperature and humidity for baby will keep them comfortable, but will also give them the quality of sleep that they need. You wouldn’t take them out of the house without a jacket on a cold day, right? A perfect sleep environment is another way you are looking after their health and well-being.

What’s The Ideal Temperature for a Baby’s Bedroom?

According to the best bedroom temperature for sleep is approximately 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18.3 degrees Celsius). When the house temp drops in the evenings it can be a sign to our body that it is time for sleep. Newborns for the first few months can benefit from a bedroom that is one or two degrees warmer, up to 69 degrees Fahrenheit (20.5 degrees Celsius). This is because their bodies are smaller and still developing. A research article in the BMJ Journals shows that babies achieve temperature maturation around eleven weeks of age.

Did you know that a bedroom that is too warm may increase the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)? One way to decrease the risk, according to, is to utilize a fan to keep the air in the room circulating. White noise is also proven to help babies get to sleep faster.

A way to be confident that your infant is comfortable is to keep a thermometer in their bedroom. That way you can always keep an eye on the exact temperature, as it can fluctuate from room to room. You can get a head start by tracking the overnight temperature before your baby is born to ensure the room is set up masterfully. 

What Humidity Should a Baby’s Bedroom Be?

If you live in the midwest or vacation in the south, then you know all about humidity. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. When the humidity level is high, the air will feel heavy. In the summer months this means it will be extra warm too. A newborn experiencing humidity for the first time may develop a few mild symptoms, including dry skin, sinus irritation, or even cough and congestion. 

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) recommends keeping indoor humidity levels between 40-60%. I know you have a thermostat hanging on your wall to keep track of the temperature, but how do you know the amount of humidity in your home?

A hygrometer can be purchased inexpensively to keep track of the moisture level. Depending on what you find with the hygrometer, you may want to consider investing in either a humidifier (putting water in the air) or a dehumidifier (taking water out of the air) to put in your baby’s room for keeping the level appropriate all night long. 

Track Sleep Quality with Baby Connect

It is no secret that the whole family gets better sleep when the baby sleeps well. You may want to check out our 6 Hacks to Get Your Child to Sleep.

Keeping the temperature of your home slightly cooler at night and monitoring the level of humidity in the air are good first steps. You will not only reduce the risk of SIDS for your newborn but will keep them happy and comfortable so you can rest a bit easier. These guidelines for the ideal temperature and humidity for baby will allow mom and dad (brother and sister too!) to have the best night of sleep possible.

It’s important to track sleep quality, wake-ups, nighttime feedings, diaper changes, and anything else affecting your newborn’s sleep. By using an app like Baby Connect parents can keep a record of everything in one place. Parents, grandparents, and caregivers can all stay connected with real-time information that is entered about your baby. Be sure to send a cute sleeping baby pic to each other through the app since those are the best!


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