When Do Babies Start Laughing Out Loud?

The sound of a baby laughing is undoubtedly one of the most magical in the world. Maybe your baby has already smiled at you, but you may be wondering when they’ll start laughing.

Of course, every baby is different, but we have a pretty good estimation of when your little one may reach this milestone. If you’re excited to find out when you can expect them to start giggling, don’t go anywhere, because we have all the info you need right here!

The Onset of Laughter

That first genuine laugh comes about as little ones continue developing and their neurological and cognitive functions mature. This is an exciting moment for everyone, and it’s understandable why you’d be anxious for it to start. 

When Do Babies Laugh and Giggle? 

So, when exactly can you expect your baby to start laughing? 

Around the 4-month mark. Again, every baby develops at their own speed, so if your infant is 4 months old and hasn’t started laughing, don’t worry that they don’t have a sense of humor. You may start to hear little laughs at even the 7-month point!

Before laughing can occur, your baby first has to start smiling and cooing. 

Smiling is one of the first forms of communication your little one will have with you. They may not always be related to amusement, however. Rather, these are “reflex smiles”, and are the result of involuntary muscle movements. These will typically go away after a month or two. 

Social smiles, on the other hand, will take place at the 6-8 week mark. These are the smiles we associate with genuine expressions of happiness in response to social stimuli. They’re a great way to refer to your baby’s emotional development and how aware they are of their environment. 

Why Do Babies Laugh? 

That’s a great question. Honestly, babies could laugh at potentially anything. No two babies will always laugh at the same thing. Even in twins, you may see that one finds certain things funny and the other will stay completely serious. Perhaps it’s a funny noise, you stubbing your toe, playing peek-a-boo, seeing their cat or dog walk by. It’s a game of chance. 

Why You Should Encourage Your Baby to Laugh

Laughter is the best medicine, right? Encouraging laughter is always a good thing, no matter what your age is. However, as a baby, it really can have a big effect on their development and well-being. Here are a few reasons to encourage your baby to laugh:

  • Creates a Bond - Laughing together with your little one can actually help strengthen the bond you two have!

  • Stress Relief - Getting some giggles in can help you feel more at ease, which your baby definitely catches on to. Sometimes as a parent (especially a new parent), you feel constantly under stress. Maybe you wonder if you’re doing the right thing, or are constantly vigilant that your baby is taken care of. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but laughing can help ease the tension. 

  • Improved Immunity - Laughs aren’t just fun, they really can help us lead a healthier, happier life! Laughs actually are able to boost the amount of immune cells (anti-infection antibodies and T-cells) in the body, fighting off potential disease. Not to mention, when we laugh, our bodies release endorphins which reduce cortisol and blood pressure while increasing circulation. 

  • Resilience - Have you noticed that if you choose to laugh something off instead of have a “negative” reaction, your baby is more inclined to do the same? For example, if they fall down, instead of gasping and immediately showing you’re worried you may choose to giggle. Obviously, this is only if you’re sure they’re not actually hurt. You’ll notice that the next time they take a little tumble, they will also laugh, themselves. 

How To Make Your Baby Laugh

Now that we know how important laughter is for a baby’s overall development, you may be wondering how to illicit those little belly laughs. Usually, the key here is to keep things simple. Here are some tried-and-true methods for triggering laughter: 

  • Funny Faces: Funny smiles, surprised looks, or even silly frowns can invoke some seriously infectious laughs from your little one. 

  • Peek-a-Boo: This is my go-to for literally any baby I come across. It never fails. Just the other day I was at a train station and saw an upset baby crying next to me. I immediately pulled out the peek-a-boo, and he instantly cracked a little smile. The unexpectedness seems to pull the baby out of their upset state and focus on the surprise of the person suddenly appearing and disappearing. 

  • Tickles: Be wary if you try this on an adult, but for babies, this can lead to outbursts of laughter! Try tickling the bottoms of their feet, their tummy, or under their arms. Just make sure that they actually seem to be laughing and happy about it. 

  • Funny Sounds: Silly voices, playful noises like “beeps” and “boops”, animal sounds, etc. always seem to evoke a bit of giggling. Some songs may also keep them amused - don’t be afraid to try out different things. 

  • Physical Play: This is another one of the easiest ways to get babies to laugh, in my experience. Playful bouncing around, tossing them into the air carefully, bouncing them on your knee, etc. can be a lot of fun for little ones. 

Track Your Baby’s Development with Baby Connect

Using an app like Baby Connect can help you track every element of your baby’s behavior, from their first belly laugh to their first words. Just make sure to be patient and let them laugh in their own time. Follow their cues and be playful, rather than trying to force them into laughing. Babies need a carefree environment to feel free enough to start laughing, and keeping things lighthearted will make it more likely. 

Try Baby Connect for free today.

Shayanne Weeks

Shay is a versatile writer originally from Boise, Idaho, now based in Los Angeles, California. When not writing, she's a touring music producer and DJ who tries to fit in time with her partner and 4 fur babies as much as possible.


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