When Should You Start Tummy Time With Your Newborn?

Unlike giraffes, when your baby is first born, they have no neck control. They rely on their parents to meet all of their needs and get them to where they need to go! This won’t last forever, though, as they start to gain some control over their own body at approximately three months old. 

While you wait for your baby’s neck to get developed enough to hold their head up on their own, there are exercises you can do to help your baby! Tummy time is the number one way to help your baby increase the muscle strength in their neck, back, and shoulders. But should you start tummy time as soon as they’re born? Continue reading to learn about the best time to start tummy time with your baby. 

Why You Should Practice Tummy Time

Think of tummy time as an exercise for your baby. They may cry during this time, but rest assured it does not hurt them! Tummy time is not only a great way to get your baby to work their muscles, but it also gives them the opportunity to explore the world from a different view. When they first start tummy time, it will most likely be nothing more than them crying, but as they get older, they will eventually learn to play! 

Benefits of Tummy Time

Listening to your baby cry can be alarming, but tummy time does not hurt your baby and is beneficial for them in so many ways. Some of the benefits of tummy time for your baby are:

  • Building the muscles in your baby’s neck, back, and shoulders. This will eventually lead to your baby holding their head up on their own, crawling, and then walking! 

  • Strengthening their muscles and giving them the practice to fine-tune their motor skills. This is important for them to learn how to do different tasks!

  • Preventing a flat spot on your baby’s head. Because of your baby’s soft noggin, laying in one spot for too long can cause a flat spot on their head. This could be on the back of the head or the side, wherever they spend the most time. 

When to Start Tummy Time

Engaging your baby in tummy time will help them build the muscles they need to hold their head upright and independently. It also gives them something to do other than lay around! Although it may seem early, your baby can actually start tummy time as early as one or two days old. 

Keep in mind that your baby should never be alone during tummy time. They should always be supervised by an adult to ensure that they don’t get stuck facedown. 

Another fact to note is that many babies hate tummy time! This can make it stressful when it comes to tummy time. Before you begin this exercise, try doing it during the time of day when they are most agreeable. This could be right after a nap or halfway in between feedings (if you do it right after a feeding, it can cause spit-up from the pressure on their full stomach).

If your baby isn’t a fan of tummy time, encourage them to work on it, even if they don’t want to. You can comfort them by rubbing their back while they lay on their stomach. This lets them know you’re there for them but want them to remain on their stomach! 

For the first few months, your baby will only need to do tummy time for up to five minutes three times a day. As they get older, you can slowly increase the length of time that they are on their tummy. Try to incorporate toys and music to keep your little one distracted! 

Tips for Tummy Time

If your baby cries during tummy time without fail, you may be wondering why you should encourage them to do it. No one wants to hear their sweet angel cry!

Although your baby might not enjoy tummy time, it is important for their development. Check out some tips to do tummy time with a newborn:

  • Lay down a blanket for your baby to lie on. This is especially helpful if you have hardwood floors. 

  • Use a rolled-up towel to place under your baby’s arms to help prop them up. This allows them to see what’s around them better. 

  • Try to get a tummy time session in right after a nappy change or nap. 

  • Put their favorite toys within their reach to encourage them to grab them and play. 

  • Have a family member or friend sit or lay in front of the baby and interact with them. Nothing is more fun than making silly faces with Grandma! 

These tips are sure to keep your baby distracted and having fun while working on their muscles! 

Monitor Your Baby’s Progress with Baby Connect

As parents, we want the best for our baby. That’s why we do everything in our power to keep them safe, comfortable, and happy! Helping your baby complete regular tummy time is one of those ways that you will be helping your little one advance to the next stage of their life. 

If you’ve ever seen a baby during tummy time, you know that it’s the last thing they want to do! As they get older, they should be doing longer and longer sessions. With Baby Connect, you can keep track of how many tummy time sessions your baby is doing and how long it lasts! This helps you ensure your baby is getting enough practice each day to eventually hold that precious bobblehead up on their own. 

Try Baby Connect for free today.

Jessica Manley

Jessica is an avid writer with a creative mindset. If she isn’t writing, you can find her playing with her two children, crocheting, or lifting weights at the gym.


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