Baby Bedtime Routine 6 Months

Babies, especially at the six month mark, thrive off having a set routine. They know what to expect at each part of the day, and this can be comforting for them. At this age, your baby shouldn’t need to wake for a night feeding, which means they can enjoy a full night’s rest! 

With that being said, we all know that just because we know they can sleep through the night doesn’t mean that they’re going to go down easily. Some babies fight the urge to sleep and will continue fighting until they drop! If this sounds like you and your little one, keep reading to learn how to get your 6-month-old to sleep through the night! 

Feed Them Before Bed

Okay, this may sound silly, but stick with me. At six months of age, they are just beginning to explore the joy of solids! This means that they may begin refusing formulas and prefer solids. 

Before beginning your bedtime routine, be sure that your baby has not only eaten dinner but enjoyed their nightly bottle. If your baby is put to bed and they are even a little bit hungry, this could spell disaster for your bedtime routine. I once put my baby to bed when I thought they were done with their bottle, and I ended up having to repeat almost their entire routine! 

Bathe Them

If they already need a bath, why not right before bed? A warm, bubbly bath is just the thing to help your baby unwind after a long day. Lavender bubble soap can be used in the bath to encourage them to relax, as well as lowlights if you have them. 

If you want to get scientific with it, the warm bath helps reduce the heat in their inner core, which can help your little one fall asleep faster. 

Read Them a Book

Taking the time to read to your baby is not only a great bonding experience but a great way to relax from a busy day. This allows your baby to become emulsified in a good book and enjoy some time cuddled up to you. Turn the lights low, snuggle your baby close, and watch your baby’s eyes start to droop! 

Just an added note, reading to your baby helps develop their language skills. 

Sing to Them

Don’t worry if you aren’t selling out stadiums; your baby will love to hear you sing all the same! Just make sure it isn’t an upbeat song, or you might get the opposite desired effect. 

Choose a calming tune (You may have heard of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!) and sing your heart out quietly, of course. 

Ditch the Screen

Not completely, just as it gets close to bedtime! Phones, tablets, and TVs all admit a type of blue light that stimulates the brain. This goes for everyone – including your baby! 

As it gets closer to bedtime, try to keep the TV off. This helps your baby’s brain slow down and get ready to settle down into bed. 

Stick to a Routine

Consistency is key. If you set up a specific bedtime routine, your baby will know what to expect. This is good, too, because their body will begin getting sleepy around the same time every day! 

How Long Should My Six Month Old Baby Sleep?

At this point in the game, your baby will need between 12 and 16 hours of sleep to get enough rest. Don’t worry, though, as this includes their naps during the day! By the time a baby hits six months, most of them have the ability to sleep nine hours or more through the night. 

Safe-Sleep Tips

Putting your baby to sleep in a safe environment is the first step to healthy and restful sleep. Follow some of these tips to ensure your little one is comfortable and safe throughout the night:

  • Always put your baby on their back for bedtime instead of on their side or stomach. Once they can reliably roll around, they can sleep however they’re comfortable! 

  • Make sure the mattress is firm and free of loose-fitting sheets. There should also be no blankets, pillows, or toys until your baby is at least one year old.

  • Because you cannot use blankets until a baby is older, you will need to dress them for bed according to the temperature. Keep an eye out for signs of overheating in babies. If their stomach is hot, there is no need for concern, but if the back of their neck is hot or sweaty, they are overheating. 

  • Offer your baby a pacifier when it is time to sleep. If it falls out while they are asleep, there is no need to replace it. 

  •  Keep your baby out of other baby devices to sleep. This could be bouncers, feeding pillows, or infant lounges. 

  • If you are unsure whether something is approved for use while your baby is asleep, check to see if it has been approved through the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). 

  • Keep items out of reach of your baby while they are sleeping. Think baby mobiles, hanging cords, pictures, or curtains.

  • Avoid using weighted blankets or sleepers. 

Keep Track of Bedtime Routines with Baby Connect 

Sleep is important for a baby’s health (and let’s be real, yours too!). Setting a routine for your baby lets them know what to expect next. That’s why keeping track of their sleep cycles is so important! 

Imagine if your baby finally slept through the night, and you think, “Yes! Finally! But what did we do differently?” Baby Connect is an app designed for parents and caregivers to record all of the significant parts of their baby’s life. You can monitor everything from bedtime routines, feeding schedules, and even their height and weight. Long gone are the days of carrying around a notebook to hold all your baby’s information! 

Try Baby Connect out for free today.

Jessica Manley

Jessica is an avid writer with a creative mindset. If she isn’t writing, you can find her playing with her two children, crocheting, or lifting weights at the gym.


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