Baby Massage to Relieve Gas: 6 Techniques to Try

A fussy baby is one of the uncomfortable joys that come with parenthood. But a fussy baby with gas can be extra difficult to soothe! If you’re the parent of a baby, you've likely experienced those moments when your little one is uncomfortable, gassy, and just so hard to please. It's a common issue that can leave both baby and parent feeling frustrated. 

Fortunately, gentle massage techniques can help soothe your baby and potentially alleviate gas discomfort. We’re here to walk you through some of the best types of baby massage to relieve gas.

Why Do Babies Get So Gassy?

First, how is it that our little ones can produce so much gas? Before diving into massage techniques, it might be helpful to know what causes uncomfortable gas in the first place. Infants can pass gas 13-21 times a day on average, which is completely normal. 

Gas can be caused by several things, including:

  • Feeding position

  • Eating too quickly or too much

  • Excess air after crying 

  • Swallowing air when feeding or using a pacifier

  • The baby’s digestive system is still developing

  • The baby’s microbiome is still adjusting to life outside the womb

While gas is a normal part of infant development, it can still cause discomfort for your little one. That's where gentle massage techniques can come in handy.

6 Baby Massage Techniques for Gas Relief

Whether your baby wakes up with gas or won’t stop crying from discomfort, here are some gentle massage techniques to soothe their upset bellies and bring your little one relief.

1. Paddling

This basic massage technique is when you use the sides of your hands to create a gentle, rhythmic motion on your baby's tummy, similar to the paddle of a boat.

  1. Place your baby on their back.

  2. Using the sides of your hands, make downward, gentle strokes from your baby's rib cage to their pelvis.

  3. Alternate hands in a continuous, paddling motion.

  4. You can also switch between the left and the right to soothe discomfort on both sides.

2. "I Love You" Massage Technique

This popular “I Love You” massage method combines gentle pressure with a loving message, spelling out the acronym: I-L-U.

  1. With your fingertips, trace the letter "I" on the left side of your baby's belly.

  2. Next, draw an inverted "L" starting from the upper right side of the belly, moving across and down the left side.

  3. Finally, trace an inverted "U" shape, starting at the lower right side, moving up and across the belly, then down the left side.

This simple massage moves gas bubbles in the same direction as natural digestion occurs, helping your baby pass gas faster and more consistently. 

3. Hands of the Clock

Similar to the “I Love You” technique, this circular massage follows the path of the intestines to help move gas along.

  1. Use your right hand to make a half-moon shape from left to right on your baby's tummy.

  2. Follow with your left hand, making a full clockwise circle.

  3. Continue this pattern, always moving in a clockwise direction.

4. Bicycle Legs

While not strictly a massage, this technique stimulates your baby’s lower abdominals, which can help move gas through your baby's system.

  1. Lay your baby on their back.

  2. Gently hold their legs and move them in a fluid cycling motion, as if they're riding a tiny bicycle.

  3. Make it a fun, happy massage by singing songs, making silly faces, and laughing with your baby as you cycle their legs at varying speeds. 

  4. Make sure to protect your baby’s knees and joints, using gentle motions.

5. Tummy Circles

This simple circular motion can be soothing for your baby and relieve them from the distress that comes with trapped gas bubbles in their digestive tract.

  1. Using gentle pressure, move your hand in a clockwise direction around your baby's belly button.

  2. Continue for several rotations, maintaining a steady, calm pace.

  3. For additional comfort, soothe your baby by singing a lullaby or gently talking to them.

6. Knee Press (Wind Release Pose)

This technique combines leg movement with gentle pressure on the tummy, similar to the bicycle leg massage mentioned above.

  1. Hold your baby's lower legs, including the knees.

  2. Gently press their legs up towards the tummy.

  3. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then gently release their legs back down.

  4. Repeat 3-5 times.

  5. If your baby is lying down on a flat surface, you can use your hands to gently rock them from side to side in this position, encouraging bowel movements.

This position is similar to the “wind release pose” in yoga. It relaxes the colon and encourages trapped air to pass. It’s especially helpful for constipation. 

Tips for Effective Baby Massage to Relieve Gas

To make the most of these baby massage techniques, keep these tips in mind.

  • Timing is important. Choose a time when your baby is calm and alert. Many parents find that incorporating massage into the bedtime routine works well.

  • Be gentle. Use soft, gentle pressure. Your touch should be firm enough to be effective but light enough to be comfortable for your baby.

  • Watch for cues. If your baby seems uncomfortable or starts to fuss, take a break or stop the massage. Never force it.

  • Consistency is important. Regular massage can help improve its effectiveness. Consider making it part of your daily routine, especially if your baby struggles with gas often.

  • Create a calming environment. Dim the lights, play soft music, and ensure the room is warm enough for your baby to be comfortable.

  • Use safe products. If you choose to use oil or lotion, opt for products specifically designed for babies. Always patch test on a small section of your baby’s skin first to be sure your baby doesn’t get allergic reactions.

When to Seek Professional Help

While these massage techniques can be helpful, it's important to know when to get advice from a healthcare professional. If your baby has persistent gas issues, excessive crying, or shows signs of severe discomfort, it's best to consult with your pediatrician.

Keep Track of Your Baby’s Digestion for Gas Relief

Baby massage can be a wonderful way to bond with your little one while potentially providing relief from gas discomfort. By incorporating these gentle massage techniques into your routine, you may be able to help your baby find relief from gas and enjoy more comfortable, peaceful days (and nights!). Always use your best judgment as a parent and don't hesitate to seek professional advice if you have concerns about your baby's digestive health.

It might also help to keep track of your baby’s digestion to get familiar with what’s regular for them and what’s not. The Baby Connect app is a great tool for keeping track of your baby’s daily actions and milestones including diaper changes, feedings, sleep, digestion, and other wellness details. Download the Baby Connect app for more parenting tips and a free trial of all the app’s features today.


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