How to Calm a Fussy Baby: 10 Tried & Tested Ideas

Parenting is one of life’s greatest joys. But few things are more challenging than when your baby is insufferably fussy! Those moments when your little one just won't settle can leave you feeling helpless and exhausted. 

But don't worry. We’re here to share our tips to help with the fuss. Here are 10 tried and tested ideas to help calm your fussy baby. These techniques have been lifesavers for countless parents, and they might just do the trick for you too.

1. Swaddling (for Newborns)

Swaddling is like giving your baby a warm, comforting hug. It mimics the snug environment of the womb, which can be incredibly soothing for newborns and young babies. If your baby is fussy at bedtime, they might need to feel more secure—and a swaddle is one effective way to achieve this. 

To swaddle, you can:

  • Use a large, thin blanket

  • Lay it out in a diamond shape

  • Fold the top corner down

  • Place your baby on their back with their neck on the folded edge

  • Wrap one side across their body, then the other

  • Tuck the bottom up and over their feet

Remember, swaddling is most effective for babies under two months. Once your little one starts rolling over, it's time to transition out of the swaddle for safety reasons.

2. White Noise 

White noise can work wonders in calming a fussy baby. It reminds them of the constant whooshing sounds they heard in the womb. However, keep in mind that noise machines should always be kept at 50 decibels or lower so that the sound isn’t too disturbing. 

You can use:

  • A white noise machine

  • A fan (on low)

  • An app on your phone

  • Even the sound of running water or rain

The key is to keep the volume at a safe level. For reference, 50 decibels is about as loud as a soft shower. Don't place the noise machine too close to your baby's ears, and avoid using it all night long.

3. Gentle Motion and Rocking

Gentle, rhythmic motion can be incredibly soothing for babies, potentially calming their fussiness. Motions you can try include: 

  • Gently rocking in a chair

  • Swaying while standing

  • Using a baby swing

Always follow safety guidelines when using baby equipment. And remember, while motion can help calm your baby, it's best not to rely on it for sleep, as your little one needs to learn to fall asleep independently.

4. Pacifiers

Pacifiers can be a great tool for soothing a fussy baby. They satisfy the natural sucking reflex that babies have, which can be very calming.

However, there's some debate about when to introduce a pacifier. If you're breastfeeding, it's often recommended to wait until breastfeeding is well-established (usually around 3-4 weeks) before introducing a pacifier. Remember, every baby is different. Some take to pacifiers right away, while others aren't interested at all.

5. Skin-to-Skin Contact

Skin-to-skin contact isn't just for newborns in the hospital. It can be a powerful calming technique throughout infancy, childhood, and life! Sometimes, babies may need some loving touch as a comforting signal that they’re safe and cared for. It can calm fussiness and encourage a sense of security and ease.

Meaningful skin-to-skin contact can involve:

  • Strip your baby down to their diaper and place them on your bare chest

  • While holding your baby, let their head rest on your chest, shoulder, or arm

This close contact helps regulate your baby's temperature and heart rate, and releases calming hormones for both of you. Just make sure you're in a warm room and that you're alert – no falling asleep with the baby on your chest!

6. Baby Massage

Baby massage can be a wonderful way to soothe your little one, especially when they’re fussy due to digestive discomfort. It can help with gas, colic, and general stomach upset.

Some simple baby massage techniques include:

  • Gently rubbing your baby's tummy in a clockwise direction

  • Stroking their legs from hip to ankle

  • Massaging their arms from shoulder to wrist

Always use a gentle touch and watch your baby's cues. If they seem uncomfortable or start crying, stop the massage. For more baby massage techniques, check out our guide to baby massage!

7. Change of Environment

Sometimes, a change of scenery is all your baby needs to snap out of their fussy mood. Try:

  • Moving to a different room in the house

  • Stepping outside for some fresh air

  • Changing the lighting (dimming lights or opening curtains)

A new environment can provide distraction and stimulation that might just stop the fussing in its tracks.

8. Well-Timed Feedings

Often, a fussy baby is simply a hungry baby. If it's been a while since their last feed, try offering a breast or bottle.

If you're breastfeeding, remember that cluster feeding (frequent feeds close together) is normal, especially in the early weeks and during growth spurts.

For bottle-feeding, make sure you're using the right nipple flow for your baby's age and feeding ability to prevent excess gas and overfeeding.

9. Distraction and Redirection Techniques

Sometimes, distracting your baby can help break the cycle of fussiness. Try:

  • Showing them a colorful toy or mobile

  • Singing a song or talking in a soothing voice

  • Making funny faces or sounds

  • Taking them on a walk in the stroller

Babies have short attention spans, so you might need to cycle through a few different distractions before something captures their interest.

10. Establishing a Routine

While it might seem early, even young babies can benefit from a consistent routine. This doesn't mean a strict schedule, but rather a predictable flow to the cycles throughout the day.

For example, a bedtime routine might include:

  • A warm bath

  • A gentle massage

  • Feeding

  • A lullaby or story

Consistency helps your baby know what to expect, which can be very comforting.

Parents: You've Got This!

If your baby’s been extra fussy lately, don't be discouraged. And if the first few techniques you try don't work, keep experimenting until you find what soothes your little one.

Most importantly, remember to take care of yourself too. A calm parent is better equipped to calm a fussy baby. If you're feeling overwhelmed, irritable, or exhausted, don't hesitate to ask for help from your partner, family, or friends.

Baby Connect is an innovative baby-tracking app created with the busy parent in mind. In the app, you can conveniently track your baby's feeding schedule, moods, milestones, diaper changes, and more. Its purpose is to make your life easier as a new parent, tracking what works and what doesn’t work when caring for and soothing your little one. Download the Baby Connect app now to see how it works!


Baby Massage to Relieve Gas: 6 Techniques to Try