Why Does My Baby Sleep with Their Head Against Crib Bars?

As a parent, there's nothing as heartwarming as peeking into your baby's nursery and seeing them peacefully asleep. Until one day you notice something a little startling: your little one's head is pressed against the crib bars. It definitely looks uncomfortable—but is this position safe?

Don’t worry, this is a common behavior among babies and toddlers. In most cases, it's not a cause for alarm. Babies often find themselves in seemingly odd sleeping positions. 

If your baby sleeps with their head against crib bars, there are several reasons why. In this article, we explore what they are.

What It Means When Your Baby is Sleeping With Their Head Against Crib Bars

While it may seem strange, there are several explanations for this baby sleep behavior. Understanding these reasons can help you ensure that your baby stays safe and comfortable. 

Comfort and Self-Soothing

For some babies, the sensation of having their head against a solid surface can be surprisingly comforting. This behavior may be a form of self-soothing, especially during sleep transitions or when falling asleep. 

The gentle pressure against the crib bars can provide a sense of security and familiarity, much like the feeling of being held or swaddled. Additionally, the repetitive motion of rubbing their head against the bars can have a calming effect, helping your little one relax and drift off to sleep.

Developmental Stages

Your baby's sleeping position with their head against the crib may also be related to a specific developmental stage. As babies learn to roll over, sit up, and explore new movements, they may use the crib bars for support or leverage—even while falling asleep. 

During your baby’s time of rapid growth and development, they may find themselves in various positions as they practice their newfound movement abilities. Using the crib bars as a prop can provide stability and comfort as they navigate their sleep space.

Sleep Position Preference

Many parents wonder: is it normal for babies to sleep with their head to the side, or against the edge of the crib? In some cases, your baby may simply prefer to sleep with their head facing a certain way or against a different surface. This preference could be due to comfort, habit, or even the way they were positioned in the womb. 

Just like adults, babies develop unique sleep habits that feel most natural and soothing to them. While it may look unusual to us, having their head against the hard bedding could be your baby's preferred way of getting a good night's rest. As long as they are safe and comfortable, there's no need to worry.

When to Be Concerned About Baby Crib Behavior 

If you notice excessive head-banging or your baby forcefully hitting their head against the crib bars, this could be a cause for concern. Additionally, if you observe bruising, redness, or other signs of injury on your baby's head or face, it's important to investigate further. If you feel like asking, “How do I stop my baby from hitting his head on the side of the crib?”, talk to a pediatrician.

Sometimes, persistent head-against-crib behavior may be a result of other concerning symptoms, such as sleep disturbances, irritability, or developmental delays. If you notice that your baby is having difficulty sleeping, seems distressed, or is not meeting developmental milestones, there may be something else going on. 

It's important to rule out any potential medical conditions or neurological issues that could be contributing to this behavior. If the sleeping position persists for an extended period or seems excessive, it's always better to err on the side of caution and seek professional medical advice.

Encourage Safe and Comfortable Sleep for Your Baby

While understanding the reasons behind this behavior is important, ensuring your baby's safety and comfort during sleep should be the top priority. Here are some tips to help create an ideal sleep environment for your little one.

Crib Safety

Using a safe and sturdy crib that meets current safety standards is crucial. Regularly inspect the crib for any potential hazards, such as loose or protruding parts, that could pose a risk to your baby. Ensure the crib is properly assembled and free from any objects that could fall on or entrap your baby.

Positioning and Bedding

When putting your baby down to sleep, position them in the center of the crib, away from the bars. Use the right size crib mattress and breathable, fitted sheets. Avoid loose bedding, blankets, or toys in the crib, as these can increase the risk of suffocation or entrapment. Creating a safe and comfortable sleep environment is essential.

Monitoring and Supervision

To ensure your baby's safety and well-being, use a baby monitor or periodically check on them while they sleep. While some parents may choose to use crib bumpers or other protective measures, it's crucial to follow safety guidelines and consult with your pediatrician. Proper monitoring and supervision can help you address any concerns promptly.

Track Your Baby’s Sleep Positions: Baby Connect App

Seeing your baby sleep with their head against the crib bars can be concerning, but it's most often harmless. Whether it's for comfort, self-soothing, or developmental exploration, this sleeping position is usually just a phase that your little one will outgrow. 

That said, remember to prioritize your baby's safety and comfort by using a sturdy crib, positioning them properly, and monitoring them during sleep. As long as you provide a safe environment, you can allow your baby to explore and develop their preferred sleep positions. If you have any persistent concerns, don't hesitate to consult with your pediatrician for professional guidance and peace of mind. 

To easily track your baby's sleep patterns and behaviors, use an app like Baby Connect. It allows you to monitor and log your little one's sleep positions, health checks, and developmental progress. Download Baby Connect for free to get started.


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