How to Make a Crib Mattress More Comfortable

There’s arguably nothing more important to parents than their baby’s getting enough sleep. When your little one goes without sleep, they can become easily irritable and fussy! Ensuring that they are catching enough shut-eye during the day (and night) is the key to a happy and healthy baby. 

Sometimes, though, it can be frustrating for you and your baby if they have difficulty falling asleep. This can happen from time to time, but if it happens regularly, there may be an underlying problem. Once all of your baby’s other needs have been met and you find that they are still cranky, it might be because of their mattress! 

Choose the Right Mattress and Sheets

Deciding on what mattress and sheets to get your baby can make all the difference when it comes to their quality of sleep. There are countless options on the market, so what will work best for your baby?

Ultimately, you may want a nice and soft mattress for your baby, but this must be avoided. Your baby needs a firm enough mattress so that they don’t roll and become trapped in the indent a softer mattress would make. Contrary to popular belief, your baby is perfectly comfortable on a firm mattress. 

Best Mattress Type for Babies

As stated above, a firmer mattress is safer for your baby than a softer mattress. This just ensures that they don’t suffer accidental suffocation, which can be all too easy for babies to do before they become mobile. 

You want the best mattress for your baby, so of course, you want it made from the best materials! Some materials that you should avoid are latex, polyurethane foam, springs, and vinyl covers. Instead, you should search for mattresses made of organic cotton and hypoallergenic foams. 

A simple way you can check to see that your baby’s mattress meets the chemical-free standard is to check with the Green Guard Certification standard

Ideal Type of Sheets for Babies

The sheets your baby uses are just as important as the type of mattress! Sheets are what your baby is directly laying on top of, so if they are not safe and comfortable, your baby can’t catch some restful shut-eye. 

The sheets you choose should not only be soft but breathable as well. Similar to the mattress, you should avoid sheets made of latex, polyethylene, or vinyl to reduce the risk of suffocation. Additionally, the sheets should always be fitted to avoid coming loose and wrapping around your baby throughout the night. 

Create the Perfect Sleep Environment

Your baby’s room is just as important as their crib and sheets. If their room is not designed to lull them to sleep, they will think it's time to party instead! Here are some helpful things you can do to keep their room as comfortable as possible for bedtime

Use a Sleep Sack

Any child under the age of two should not be using blankets. That’s not to say that they can’t use sleep sacks, though! A sleep sack will go on your baby throughout the night to help keep them warm and cozy so that they can enjoy the comfort of a blanket without any of the associated dangers. 

Check the Room Temperature

The temperature in your baby’s room is crucial to them getting restful sleep. The room should not be too hot or too cold. Ideally, their room should be between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. An important note to keep in mind is that you would rather your baby be on the cooler side than too hot. 

You can check your baby’s core temperature by touching the back of their neck. If it is hot and sweaty, this means that they need to drop some layers. 

You also don’t want their room to be too humid as this can make it difficult for them to breathe comfortably. You can place a dehumidifier in there to help remedy this problem. 

Clean Dust Regularly

Cleaning your baby's room is a good way to ensure that they are as comfortable as possible. Over time, dust and dirt can build up naturally and begin irritating their senses. This can cause sneezing, coughing, and overall irritation with their airways. 

Try to routinely sweep or vacuum, as well as dust the corners of their rooms. Not only will this get rid of the dust, but it will also get rid of spider webs that might be lurking in the corner!

Monitor Your Baby’s Sleep Schedule with Baby Connect

Babies need all of the care provided to them by their parents. When they are in their first life, they especially rely on others to feed them, change them, bathe them, and more. This includes helping them doze off because most babies need the comfort of their parents before bed! 

Getting your baby to sleep happens each day, multiple times a day, so you want them to be as comfortable as possible. If your baby isn’t comfortable, they probably won’t fall asleep! Keeping their room as comfortable as possible, as well as their crib, will help them drift off to sleep each night. 

Now that your baby’s crib and room are to their liking, you want to keep track of their sleep schedule to make sure they are getting enough rest. Baby Connect is the perfect solution for tracking your baby’s sleep patterns. Tracking your baby’s naps and bedtime routine will let you know if you need to adjust your baby’s schedule. 

Try Baby Connect for free today.

Jessica Manley

Jessica is an avid writer with a creative mindset. If she isn’t writing, you can find her playing with her two children, crocheting, or lifting weights at the gym.


When Do Babies Get Eyelashes?


How to Get Your Baby to Sleep in a Crib