Can I Wash Baby Bottles in the Dishwasher?

No matter how you feed your baby, feeding is one of the most important ways that you care for your baby. If they are bottle-fed, this means that they will have plenty of bottles that need to get washed! Some bottles have multiple pieces to them which can make washing them a long process. 

With all these bottles and parts to wash, many parents find themselves wondering if there is an easier way to get everything clean. Who wants to spend time cleaning bottles, pacifiers, and pumps after a long day of parenting? Certainly not me! 

It can be tempting to throw the bottles in the dishwasher with the rest of the dishes to make your life easier, but is this an efficient way to clean your baby’s bottles? Continue reading to see if you should wash your baby bottles in the dishwasher or by hand. 

Are Baby Bottles Dishwasher Safe?

The short answer is: it depends. You can put bottles in the dishwasher depending on the brand of bottle and the material it is made of. Some bottles are not meant to undergo such high heat, while others are safe to be thrown in with the rest of the families’ dishes. 

How Often Do I Need to Wash Baby Bottles?

Any items that go in your baby’s mouth need to be washed frequently to avoid bacteria growing on the surfaces. While pacifiers can go a day or two without being washed, bottles must be washed after every use. This is because, after the two-hour frame that it is safe for your baby to eat breastmilk or formula out of a bottle, germs grow rapidly. 

It’s vital that you keep all of the items your baby puts in their mouth as clean as possible. Bacteria can be dangerous to young immune systems, so their bottles should be as clean as possible! 

How Do I Wash Baby Bottles in the Dishwasher?

If your baby’s bottles state that they are safe to be put in the dishwasher, you may do so. If you really want to make sure the bottles are clean, you can even wash them before you put them in the dishwasher! Washing the bottles beforehand will ensure that they are clean, but including a dishwasher cycle can help kill off remaining bacteria because of the high temperatures. 

You want to be sure that your baby’s bottles are as clean as possible. Here is a step-by-step guide to wash your baby’s bottles in the dishwasher:

  1. Deconstruct the bottles. Some brands of bottles have multiple pieces that go with the bottle, so be sure that each part of the bottle and nipple are disassembled. 

  2. Rinse off the pieces. Just as you would rinse out your bowl or cup before putting them in the dishwasher, you will do the same for your baby’s feeding equipment

  3. Run the dishwasher. Put each of your baby bottles in the top rack of your dishwasher. Be sure that all of the small pieces are placed separately in a closed-top bin so that they do not get lost in the dishwasher. If you can, be sure to run the dishwasher with hot water and a heated drying session (some dishwashers have a sanitize option, you can use this instead if applicable). 

  4. Remove from the dishwasher. Once the cycle is completed, it’s time to take the bottles out! Be sure to wash your hands with warm water and soap so that you do not get the bottles dirty from possible soiled hands. An important note is that sometimes the bottles and pieces will not be completely dry. You can take a clean dish towel, lay it on the counter, and place the bottles upside down on it to dry. The area that they air dry should be free of dirt, dust, and debris so that they remain as clean as possible. 

  5. Put away. After the bottles and pieces are clean and dry, they can be stored in your preferred place. 

Monitor Your Baby’s Feeding Schedule with Baby Connect

It’s a safe bet that parents want their babies to be warm, clean, comfortable, and, most importantly, fed. Feeding happens each and every day and is what keeps your baby full and getting the nutrition they need to grow. When your baby is first born, their stomachs are small, meaning they require feedings more often than older babies. 

Because of the frequency of feedings, it can be easy to forget when your baby’s last bottle was. Was it two hours ago or three? How much formula did they eat again? It’s so easy to forget when you experience so many sleepless nights. 

Baby Connect is an app that was created to make the lives of parents easier than ever. Instead of relying on your memory or keeping track of a random bill jotted down with notes about your baby, you can now install Baby Connect and monitor all of your baby’s most important information! From feeding times and amounts to their measurements at their last doctor’s appointment, Baby Connect tracks it all.

Try Baby Connect today for free.

Jessica Manley

Jessica is an avid writer with a creative mindset. If she isn’t writing, you can find her playing with her two children, crocheting, or lifting weights at the gym.


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