How to Sterilize Baby Bottles and Pacifiers: A Quick Guide

You may wonder if sterilizing your baby’s bottles and pacifiers is a good idea before their first use. The answer is definitely yes! This will ensure that the items that go in their mouth are clean and germ-free. You have no way of knowing what these items came into contact with before being packaged and distributed to the store. 

Now, you’re probably wondering, “How exactly do I sterilize them?” Fantastic question! There are different ways you can sterilize your baby’s pacifiers and baby bottles to make sure they are ready for your baby to use. Continue reading to learn how to clean and sterilize these baby items properly. 

When Should I Sterilize My Baby’s Bottles and Pacifiers?

Unlike adults, babies have immature immune systems and are unable to fight off germs and infections as well as adults can. Milk is a substance that can easily grow bacteria if left unclean or only rinsed out, meaning that your little one can get very sick if their bottles aren’t washed properly! 

Before you use baby bottles and pacifiers for the first time, it is important to sanitize the bottles to ensure there are no lingering germs or bacteria from the packaging. Pacifiers should be sanitized at least once a month since they frequently enter your baby’s mouth or come into contact with different surfaces if dropped. 

Bottles, on the other hand, should be washed more frequently as it is a container for milk. You do not need to sterilize the bottles after each use, but once daily is a great way to help reduce the risk of infection in your little one. 

Different Methods of Sanitizing

There are different ways to sanitize your baby’s bottles and pacifiers, and it truly depends on your personal preference. Here are the various methods of sterilization:


This is one of the more popular ways of sterilizing your baby’s bottles and pacifiers and the method I used with both of my babies. You will take apart each part of your baby’s bottle or pacifier, rinse them off, and put them in a large saucepan with enough water to cover every surface. You will bring the water to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Allow the bottles and pacifiers to sit in the water until it is cool enough to remove. Once they are removed, let them air dry and then put away. 


Another popular form of sterilization is using steam. This is because it is generally quick and easy to do! With this method, you will need a sterilizer. Here is how to use most sterilizers:

  1. Put the clean bottles and pacifiers inside the sterilizer. 

  2. Ensure there is enough room between the items so that each item is properly sterilized. 

  3. Consult the directions to see how much water must be added. 

  4. Some sterilizers need to be used in the microwave, so place them inside the microwave if applicable. 

  5. Set the sterilizer or microwave to the proper amount of time. 

  6. After the cycle is complete, allow it to cool down and let the bottles and pacifiers air dry before putting them away. 


This method is not quite as popular but just as effective. An important note with this method is that many use bleach, so be sure to keep it out of the reach of children. 

You can purchase antibacterial chemical sterilization solutions in either liquid or tablet form. You must be careful to prepare this solution exactly as directed. 

  1. Find a container that is big enough to hold your baby’s bottles and pacifiers. 

  2. Prepare a fresh batch of solution each day. 

  3. Submerge the feeding equipment and pacifiers so that they are completely covered, and there are no air bubbles. 

  4. Allow the feeding equipment and pacifiers to sit in the solution for the allotted amount of time. 

  5. Dump the solution after 24 hours and clean the container before preparing a new solution. 

What to Avoid When Cleaning Pacifiers

With the first child, many parents are hyper-aware and obsessive about making sure that everything from clothes to bottles is as clean as they can get. With my first daughter, I would change her clothes if there was so much as a drop of spit-up on her shirt! But as you dive deeper into parenthood and add another kid or two, it can be easy to get relaxed with how you do things. 

This can translate to cleaning pacifiers as well. You’re out and about, and your little one drops their pacifier on the floor. You may be tempted to just stick it in your mouth to clean it off quickly, but avoid this if possible! It is safer for your baby if you find the nearest sink with soap to clean it off, or if you are out and about, keep pacifier wipes on hand. I know, I know, it’s easier said than done, but your little one’s health depends on you! 

Track When You Sterilize with Baby Connect

It’s true that you don’t need to sterilize after each use, but it is important that you periodically sterilize to keep the items clean and fresh. With parenthood, you find yourself missing sleep and tending to your baby’s needs before your own. This can make it hard to remember when you completed certain tasks if they aren’t done every day! 

This is one of the many reasons Baby Connect is perfect for parents. Baby Connect allows you to track your baby’s daily activities, such as feeding and bowel movements, but you can also document how often and when you sterilize your baby’s bottles and pacifiers so you know when they were completed last! Why rely on your memory when you have an app that can remember for you to take one more thing off your busy plate?

Try Baby Connect for free now.

Jessica Manley

Jessica is an avid writer with a creative mindset. If she isn’t writing, you can find her playing with her two children, crocheting, or lifting weights at the gym.


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