How to Make Diaper Changes Less Traumatic

As parents or caregivers, we want to keep our sweet babies dry, clean, and comfortable. Unfortunately, for our little ones, this means regular diaper changes!

Most babies seem to dread the infamous diaper change. Many squirm, wiggle, and cry to try and get away from it. This can make diaper changes stressful for not only your baby but for you as well. Looking for ways to distract your little one during changing times? Keep reading for some helpful tips and tricks!

Why Does Your Newborn Cry During Diaper Changes?

When babies are little, they don’t understand the need for diaper changes. Along with being new to the world, they also don’t like cold wipes on their bottoms! Here are some other reasons your newborn may not like their diaper changed:

  • Cold: Just like the wipes, the air can feel cold as well. This will make them feel uncomfortable during the change. 

  • Hunger: Newborns can easily become too hungry that they become inconsolable. Especially in the early days, be sure to feed your baby before changing their diaper. This will keep them full and content and more agreeable during diaper changes! 

  • Confused: I briefly touched on this earlier. Your newborn doesn’t understand why they are being exposed to cold air and possibly cold wipes. This makes them feel uncertain and maybe even stressed! This is normal when they are little, but using some of the tips throughout this article will help keep these feelings at bay. 

  • Doesn’t want to be interrupted: As babies get older, they have more mobility and independence. If your baby is playing happily and you suddenly take them away from their activity to do a diaper change, this can frustrate them. Even at a young age, kids want to have control over their bodies. 

  • Hates being restricted: As they become more mobile, babies quickly pick up new skills. They begin rolling, crawling, and eventually walking! When you lay them down and change their diaper, this prevents them from practicing. 

Keep these factors in mind before you begin a diaper change. You want to keep your baby as happy and content as possible. When all of their other needs are met before a change, you can use some of these tricks to keep them busy and distracted! 

Gather Your Supplies

You’ve just wrangled your baby and are undoing their diaper. They left you a surprise, and you don’t have enough wipes yet, or worse - you forgot them entirely! Before you grab your baby to change their diaper, be sure to grab all the supplies you need so you don’t prolong the process. 

Another tip is if you have another care task to get done for the day, such as brushing their hair or trimming their fingernails, grab these supplies as well and do it after their diaper change. Instead of riling them up at a separate time, lumping this together with a diaper change will reduce the number of times they become fussy during the day!


Hand Them a Toy

Does your baby have a favorite toy that always puts a smile on their face? Use this to your advantage!

Before starting the diaper change, be sure you are equipped with some fun toys that will keep your little one focused on their toys and not their diaper. 

Sing to Them

It doesn’t matter whether or not you are hitting the right notes- your baby will love to hear you sing!

You can opt for the classics such as “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” or choose something from your personal library of tunes. Whatever it is, sing it with a big smile, and your baby will be sure to coo along! 

Talk Your Baby Through It

While they are still too young to understand everything you say, they hang onto every word that comes out of your mouth. Letting them know what’s happening is a great way to keep them involved in the process and build their language skills at the same time. Explain to them each step before you do it, and ask them questions along the way to stimulate their brains! 

Try Warming Wipes

Imagine you used the restroom, and your only option is to use cold, wet wipes on your bottom. You probably wouldn’t enjoy it – and neither does your baby!

Some parents have found that wipe warmers help ease the frustration that comes with diaper changes. Their bum is usually exposed to the cold air already, and adding a cold wipe to the equation can make them uncomfortable. 

Name Their Body Parts

While you are getting them nice and clean, point to their body parts and let them know what they’re called.

I like to grab one of my baby’s feet and say, “one foot!” and then grab the other and say, “two feet!” This not only distracts them but helps them to recognize the names of various body parts! 

Hang a Mobile or Decorate

Babies love looking at fun patterns or moving objects. You can decorate a room to have vibrant colors or hang a mobile to help keep their attention during cleaning time.


Track Diaper Changes with Baby Connect

Diaper changes can be stressful for both baby and caregivers. By following these tips, you can make diaper changes fast and comfortable. Changing your baby’s diaper is important to keep your baby healthy. 

Especially when your baby is a newborn, time flies by, and it is easy to forget when you changed their diaper last. Was it one hour ago or two?

With the Baby Connect mobile app, you can track your baby’s important schedule and verify that your baby is producing enough wet diapers (this is so important in the first month!). This app was designed with your baby in mind and can record every detail, including bowel movements, cold symptoms, and sleeping schedules. Try it for free today!

Jessica Manley

Jessica is an avid writer with a creative mindset. If she isn’t writing, you can find her playing with her two children, crocheting, or lifting weights at the gym.


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