10 Tips for Taking Newborn Baby Pictures at Home


Having newborn photos are simply invaluable. You and the rest of your family are going to look back and be grateful that you took the time to have photos taken. However, not everyone can get out of the house to have a shoot done for them.

Not to worry, though!

In this day and age, you can do just about everything yourself and still end up with some beautiful newborn photos that you’re sure to cherish for many years to come! 

How Do You Take Newborn Pictures at Home? 

When it comes to newborns, things can often seem like a blur. Between the lack of sleep, mixture of nervousness and excitement, and just learning so many new things, it can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve decided to create this handy guide, so all you have to do is follow along.

No need for a professional newborn photographer - you got this! So, how do you photograph newborn babies? 

  1. Age Matters: What age should newborn photos be taken? That’s a great question, and one that many parents wonder. Try taking newborn photos within the first 2 weeks of life.

    If you’re going for that “wrinkly sleeping baby” look, then you definitely don’t want to wait until later than that. If you really wanted to, you could even grab your camera and start snapping while you’re still in the hospital! Waiting until they’re older than 2 weeks means they’ll be more aware of everything, potentially making for a fussy situation.

    However, some parents would like to capture more of their infant’s personality - we totally get that! In this case, you’d want to wait until they’re a couple of months old. 

  2. Time Things Right: Perhaps the number one photography tip, no matter what the situation is, is to have the right lighting. You could have the perfect shot, but without proper lighting, it won’t likely turn out as you want it.

    So, when can you take advantage of the best lighting? Try to opt for mid-morning.

    Find a window with some great natural light (but not direct sunlight) that won’t cause harsh shadows. Most parents want a warm glow, avoiding graininess or blurriness. 

  3. Keep Them Sleepy: As you may have guessed, you want your baby to be nice and calm for their first photo shoot. Set the tone with white noise machines that can help get and keep them asleep. Perhaps set everything up for after mealtime, as they’ll likely get sleepy on their own after feeding. 

  4. Pay Attention to Temperature: You never want the room to be too chilly, so make sure the room temperature is nice and warm for them. After all, they haven’t been out of the womb for very long! Posing your baby won’t be comfortable for them, and won’t translate well to film if they’re shivering from the AC blasting! 

  5. Get Props Ready: “What settings should I use for newborn photography?” You likely already have all necessary props right there at home! If you’d like some ideas, Pinterest never fails. However, using simple things like household baskets, stuffed animals, cozy blankets, etc. can make a huge difference. Simplicity is an art in itself, so don’t think you have to overdo it.

    If you want to know our favorite, it’s a breastfeeding pillow. They seem to work perfect in propping up a little one while keeping them protected and in a comfy position. To hide your prop, you can simply lay a blanket or swaddle over the pillow.

    Speaking of blankets, try to avoid big, bright, and attention-demanding colors or patterns. This can distract from your star. 

  6. Put Safety First: This is probably already obvious to you, but we have to mention it. Of course, everyone wants a beautiful, perfectly-posed photo, but safety is always number one. If you’re shooting with a heavy camera like many DSLRs, make sure you always have the neck strap on. You want the camera and your baby to be completely secure. 

  7. Keep Your Camera Clean: It’s going to be more difficult to prep your shooting supplies while your baby is ready to be photographed. Make sure you get everything ready beforehand. Clean the camera lens of any smudges, and know how to use your camera. 

  8. Try Swaddles: A big percentage of those amazing newborn photos involve the little ones being swaddled. You may not yet be a pro in swaddling, but try pulling the wrap pretty tight! It makes the baby feel cozy and secure, but also creates a picture-perfect look. 

  9. Keep it Simple: As we just mentioned, simplicity is an art. This means that with posing, don’t go overboard. We want things to look natural, and your baby is great at this. Don’t try and force them into doing anything they don’t want to do. Put them on their side, and work with the positioning of their hands while they’re asleep. 

  10. Don’t Forget Close-Ups: These can show off details of their bodies and faces that you’ll always want to remember. Don’t only get the face, either! Snap some shots of their little hands and feet, mouth, eyes, arms, shoulders and back, ears - you’ll be surprised which ones end up being your favorite. 

Try tracking their behavior on an app like Baby Connect, which can help you monitor which time of day will be best for setting up your photo shoot.

Operating around their feeding and sleeping schedule will ensure you have amazing pictures to last lifetimes. Even if you aren’t a professional photographer, you’ll have valuable evidence of this fleeting, but incredibly important moment in your lives. 

Shayanne Weeks

Shay is a versatile writer originally from Boise, Idaho, now based in Los Angeles, California. When not writing, she's a touring music producer and DJ who tries to fit in time with her partner and 4 fur babies as much as possible.


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