How to Get an Overtired Baby to Sleep [Tips from a Mom]

There's arguably nothing more difficult than getting an overtired baby to sleep. Once they’ve hit the point of exhaustion, it feels like there’s no going back! They are like tiny, cute grizzly bears who want nothing more than to go to sleep but will fight tooth and nail to go down. 

It can feel like there’s nothing you can do once your baby has reached this point. Your baby may be crying, screaming, and refusing any sort of comfort. That’s enough to make any parent want to pull their hair out! Rest assured, there are things you can do to help lull your little grizzly bear to sleep. 

Signs Your Baby is Overtired

When you have your first baby, you might not have much experience with babies, meaning you have no idea how to tell if your baby is getting tired. This was me as a first-time mom! I knew nothing about wake windows and had no clue how to find out my baby was tired before she got too tired. 

Each baby is different, but there are usually universal clues to tell you that your baby is in need of a nap- and quick. Here are some of the more common signs your baby is overtired:

  • Red eyelids or eyebrows

  • Yawning 

  • Touching their face (rubbing their eyes or pulling ears)

  • Fussing that evolves into crying

  • Refusing to be soothed

  • Falling asleep when they shouldn’t be, such as during playtime or feedings

  • Overactive behavior

Some babies can show different signs than these, but every baby has their own “tell” to clue their parents in that they need a nice sleep. It might take you a little time, but you’ll soon be able to tell when your baby is getting tired and cranky! 

Ways to Prevent Your Baby From Becoming Overtired

One of the hardest adjustments to parenthood is completely altering your life and schedule to adhere to your baby’s needs. This was something I had difficulty adjusting to as I used to leave the house daily, whether it be work, shopping, or visiting friends. Then, all of a sudden, I had to stay close to home to be ready to put my baby down for a nap at a moment’s notice! 

As always, the easiest way to keep your baby from being overtired is to prevent it in the first place. This is not always possible, whether it be environmental circumstances or even your little one just being stubborn, but there are things to consider to help them stay well rested:

  • Learn the signs. Pay attention to the baby sleep cues we mentioned in the last section. Keeping an eye out for these will help clue you in as to when your baby needs a little shut-eye. 

  • Monitor their wake windows. Babies have specific sleep and wake windows depending on their age. As a tired parent, it can be tempting to let them sleep longer during naptime or put them to bed later in hopes of them sleeping in, but this can completely disrupt their sleep cycle. 

  • Try putting them to bed while they are tired but not asleep. After four months old, your baby begins to have the capability to self-soothe themselves to sleep. If you put them down while they are drowsy, they will begin to independently learn to fall asleep on their own. This may not come easily to each baby, but consistency is key. 

  • Create a bedtime routine. Babies and children crave consistency so that they know what to expect as the day comes on. Finding a soothing bedtime routine to complete each night, such as dinner, bath, book, and bed, will make your baby feel comfortable in knowing what comes next. This will also help their bodies unwind and realize that it is almost time to sleep! 

How to Help Your Overtired Baby Go To Sleep

The easiest way to help an overtired baby is to prevent the baby from becoming overtired in the first place. But as we all know, that’s easier said than done! Sometimes, regardless of what is happening in your baby’s life, they can go through illnesses, growth spurts, or even just downright bad moods. This can completely offset your baby’s sleep schedule, which can quickly turn into a snowball effect of poor sleep.

Implementing ways to keep your baby from becoming overtired will completely change your and your baby’s lives. It is a big adjustment for parents, but it is absolutely worth it for your baby. Creating a schedule for you and your baby will allow your baby to feel comfortable and know what to expect next. Additionally, their body will know when naptime is coming, and it will be easier to put them down to sleep. Once they can put themselves to sleep, you’ll spend much less time patting them to sleep! 

Their room should also be optimized for restful sleep. This means a dark, cool room with minimal decorations on the walls for them to look at. Playing relaxing sounds on a sound machine is also a good way to help your baby fall asleep. Maintaining a schedule and creating the perfect sleep environment should help your baby start snoozing in no time! 

Monitor Your Baby’s Sleep Schedule with Baby Connect

Ensuring your baby gets enough shut-eye is one of the most important jobs you can have as a parent. Your baby requires upwards of 17 hours of sleep for them to develop and grow. While they require all of this sleep to stay healthy, they will not always want it! 

That’s why keeping track of how much your baby is sleeping is important for their growth. It can be all too easy to keep your baby awake too long, especially if they are offering up giggles and smiles. Baby Connect allows you to track your baby’s sleep to make sure they are hitting all of their sleep and wake windows. Never again will you wonder if your baby accidentally missed a nap! 

Try Baby Connect for free now.

Jessica Manley

Jessica is an avid writer with a creative mindset. If she isn’t writing, you can find her playing with her two children, crocheting, or lifting weights at the gym.


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