How Long Should My Newborn Wear Mittens?

Many parents cover newborn babies’ hands with mittens to keep their tiny hands warm. Swaddling newborns’ hands also prevents the baby from scratching their delicate faces or eyes with sharp fingernails. But how long should newborns wear mittens?

To balance the baby’s protection with healthy hand development, parents often wonder how long their newborn should wear mittens. This article covers how parents can make informed decisions for their little one's well-being.

Mittens and Your Newborn's Hand Development

A newborn's hands are incredibly sensitive and play a crucial role in their sensory exploration of the world around them. Through touch, newborns learn about textures, temperatures, and sensations, aiding in their cognitive and physical development.

Mittens serve as a protective barrier for newborns' delicate hands, shielding them from scratches and abrasions that can occur during spontaneous movements or accidental contact with rough surfaces. Mittens also help regulate the temperature of newborns' hands, providing warmth and comfort.

However, newborn mittens can raise concerns among parents and healthcare professionals:

  • Some worry about the potential hindrance of hand development with prolonged mitten use. 

  • Constant hand coverage may limit newborns' ability to freely move and manipulate their fingers, which is essential for developing fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity.

  • Overuse of mittens may limit newborns from strengthening their hand grasp reflex in the first four months of life.

  • Newborns can overheat when swaddled at night time, so mittens can sometimes cause babies to feel uncomfortable or hot. 

While mittens offer protection, softness, and warmth, parents need to aim for balance. Providing opportunities for unrestricted hand movement during supervised playtime encourages the development of motor skills and sensory perception while ensuring necessary protection when needed.

How to Know When to Stop Covering Babies’ Hands at Night

It’s understandable why parents might put mittens on their newborn before sleep. When that’s the case, when should you stop covering your baby’s hands at night? 

Seasonal Changes

Mittens may be necessary depending on the season, environment, and the baby's activities. In colder climates or during the winter months, mittens may be necessary to keep a newborn's hands warm and protected from harsh weather conditions. 

However, in warmer temperatures or controlled indoor settings, the need for mittens may be less pronounced, allowing for more flexibility in their use.

Situations for Mittens 

Several general guidelines determine when mittens are necessary and when they can be safely removed. 

Covering newborns’ hands is recommended during outdoor activities in cold weather or when there is a risk of scratches or injury. 

Indoors, mittens can be removed during supervised playtime to allow for unrestricted hand movement and sensory exploration. 

Additionally, as babies grow and develop better control of their hand movements, the need for mittens may decrease, and parents can gradually transition away from using them during sleep or play.

Common Concerns About Newborns Wearing Mittens 

Let’s address some of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to newborn mitten use. 

Is it Ok for Babies to Wear Mittens All the Time?

While mittens offer protection in many situations, putting mittens on your newborn could restrict hand movement and hinder sensory exploration. Pediatricians generally advise against constant mitten use to allow babies to develop motor skills and tactile sensitivity naturally. 

What are the Risks of Putting Mittens on My Baby?

Is it bad to keep babies' hands covered? Constant hand coverage may lead to overheating or discomfort for the baby. Parents should monitor their baby for signs of irritation or frustration and then consider alternatives if necessary.

What are the Best Alternative Options for Hand Mittens?

If you want to protect your baby’s hands and also minimize risk, consider some of the alternatives to continuous mitten use. 

These may include:

  • Use mittens selectively during specific activities or times of the day, such as outdoor outings or during sleep. 

  • Ensure the baby's environment is free of hazards that may cause scratches or abrasions, reducing the need for constant mitten use. 

  • Regularly monitor the baby's hands for signs of discomfort or irritation.

  • Make informed decisions about when to use mittens and when to allow unrestricted hand movement.

Whether your newborn wears mittens for a short period or finds them comforting for several months, there’s always a transition phase.

Transitioning Away from Mittens

As your baby develops, they’ll grow out of the need for mitten use. When that happens, here are some tips. 

When to Stop Covering Baby's Hands at Night

All babies eventually outgrow the need for mittens at night. Generally, pediatricians recommend stopping mitten use at night when the baby demonstrates better control of their hand movements and can self-soothe without the risk of scratching themselves. Observe your baby's behavior and consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice on when to discontinue mitten use at night.

Strategies for Gradually Transitioning Away from Mittens

Transition your baby away from mittens gradually. This may include gradually reducing the duration of mitten use each night or introducing alternative soothing techniques, such as providing a soft “lovey” item or implementing a calming bedtime routine. By gradually reducing reliance on mittens, babies become accustomed to sleeping without them over time.

Tips for Promoting Healthy Hand Development Without Mittens

To promote healthy hand development without mittens, encourage your baby to explore their hands freely during supervised playtime. Providing age-appropriate toys and activities that encourage grasping and manipulation can help strengthen hand muscles and improve fine motor skills. Additionally, offering plenty of opportunities for sensory exploration through activities like finger painting or sensory bins can further support healthy hand development without the need for constant mitten use.

Monitor Your Baby’s Sleep and Mitten Use With Baby Connect

Finding the right balance between hand protection and development is essential for your baby's well-being. Remember to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice. For further support in tracking your baby's sleep and growth, download the Baby Connect app today!


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