How To Stop Baby Rubbing Face At Night

Parents often notice their babies rubbing their faces at night. This behavior can raise questions about the baby's comfort and well-being, prompting parents to seek solutions. Why do babies rub their faces in the first place? Is it something you should try to stop? 

Keep reading to learn the reasons behind this behavior as well as practical strategies to help your baby stop rubbing their face at night. By implementing these techniques, you can create an environment for your baby to have a comfortable and restful night's sleep.

Is it Normal for a Baby to Rub Their Face?

Babies rub their faces before and during sleep for several reasons. It's a natural behavior that can serve multiple purposes:

  • Self-Soothing: Babies might rub their faces as a way to comfort themselves and promote relaxation. Additionally, tiredness can prompt this behavior, as babies attempt to soothe themselves to sleep.

  • Comfort: Discomfort, such as teething pain or skin irritation, can also lead to face rubbing. Babies sometimes rub their faces to alleviate discomfort and seek relief.

  • Individual Behaviors: The frequency and intensity of face rubbing can vary from one baby to another. Factors such as temperament, sleep habits, and unique needs influence how babies express this behavior.

Understanding these factors helps parents respond effectively to their baby's needs. By recognizing the reasons behind face rubbing, parents can provide appropriate comfort and support.

Why Do Babies Rub Their Face When Sleeping?

Babies tend to rub their eyes and face when feeling sleepy. But what does it mean when a baby rubs his or her face while sound asleep? Let’s look at why they might be doing this.

Physiological and Developmental Reasons

Baby face rubbing during sleep can be attributed to various physiological and developmental factors.

As babies grow and develop, they might rub their faces as a way to regulate their emotions and promote relaxation. Many babies soothe themselves to sleep in this way, but it can also happen when the baby is unconscious as a natural reaction to an itch, discomfort, pain, stuffy nose, or other sensations.

Allergies or Irritation 

Some parents notice their baby incessantly rubbing their eyes or face when awake and asleep—not just when feeling sleepy. 

If this is the case, it could be a sign your baby is experiencing irritation or allergies. Causes might include:

  • Teething pain

  • Allergic reaction to soap or detergent

  • Wool or other itchy fabrics

  • Tiny scrapes from baby’s fingernails 

  • Dust mites

  • Pollen

  • Eczema or rash

Check your baby’s face, neck, scalp, wrists, and behind the knees for signs of small bumps or a rash. This could indicate skin irritation you need to address. 

Potential Concerns and Risks

While occasional face rubbing is normal, prolonged or intense face rubbing may raise concerns. Continuous face rubbing can lead to skin irritation or discomfort, especially if the baby's skin is sensitive. 

Parents should monitor their baby's face rubbing habits and address any concerns with their healthcare provider if they notice signs of irritation or if the behavior interferes with sleep.

Techniques to Prevent Baby Face Rubbing

Occasional face rubbing is harmless for babies. If your baby rubs their face to the point of irritation, here are some ways to help them.

Sleep Routine

Preventing babies from rubbing their faces at night requires implementing practical strategies that promote comfort and relaxation. 

One effective approach is establishing a consistent nap and bedtime routine. Consistency helps signal to the baby that it's time to sleep, creating a sense of security and predictability. 

A consistent bedtime routine is crucial for helping babies transition into sleep mode. This routine may include calming activities such as a warm bath, gentle massage, or quiet playtime before bed. Dimming the lights and engaging in soothing activities can help signal to the baby that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep to prevent them from becoming overtired

Comfort Techniques

Parents can also explore various comfort techniques to prevent baby face rubbing. 

Swaddling is a popular method that involves wrapping the baby snugly in a blanket to mimic the feeling of being in the womb. Swaddling can help prevent involuntary movements and reduce the likelihood of face rubbing during sleep.

What About Baby Head Scratching?

Parents have a similar concern regarding their baby scratching their head when sleepy. Baby head scratching is another normal behavior observed when babies are sleepy or tired. This action may stem from discomfort or irritations on the scalp.

What Causes Babies to Scratch Their Heads?

Several factors can contribute to baby head scratching, such as dry skin, eczema, or hair growth. These conditions may cause itching or irritation, prompting the baby to scratch their head in an attempt to relieve their discomfort.

Alleviating Itching and Discomfort

To prevent babies from aggressive head scratching, parents can take steps to address the underlying causes. Keeping the baby's scalp moisturized with gentle, fragrance-free lotions can help alleviate dryness and reduce itching. If eczema is present, using prescribed creams or ointments recommended by a healthcare provider can help manage symptoms and prevent scratching.

Additionally, ensuring the baby's hair is kept clean and trimmed can minimize irritation from hair growth, reducing the urge to scratch. Regularly monitor and clean the baby's scalp to prevent head scratching and promote a comfortable sleep environment.

Encourage Consistent Sleep and Hygiene for Your Baby 

Understanding and addressing baby face rubbing and head scratching at night can help you ensure a peaceful sleep environment for your child. By implementing these practical techniques or seeking professional advice if needed, you can help your baby sleep more comfortably. 

For more parenting tips on tracking your baby's sleep and behavior, download the Baby Connect app today!


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