How to Bathe a Newborn: Simple Guide for Parents

Bringing home your newborn is an exciting time, but it can also be a bit intimidating. After all, you’re now responsible for everything regarding this tiny, delicate human being!

Babies aren’t exactly known for being the cleanest, which means you’re going to have to bathe them often. If you’re wondering how to bathe a newborn, you’re not alone. We’re going to show you all the tips and tricks to make sure your little one is sparkling clean and happy!

When Should a Newborn Have His First Bath? 

Once your baby is home, you will undoubtedly be thrilled. However, it’s also completely normal to feel stressed out. When should you give your baby their first bath? What if they get an infection because they aren’t being bathed often or well enough? 

The good news is, you’re probably doing just fine. There’s no set timeframe for when to give your baby their first sponge bath, so you can really play it by ear. Waiting a few days will likely be no problem at all. In fact, it’s not unheard of for parents to wait a full week to bathe their baby after arriving home from the hospital. 

If there is any dried blood still on them after birth, you can just wipe it off. Take care to make sure the diaper areas are always clean too. 

How Often to Give Your Newborn a Bath

How often should you bathe newborns? 2-3 times a week is best to keep your baby clean. More often than that and you risk drying out their skin. Sponge baths are perfect for newborns, as they’re probably at the cleanest point in their baby lives. You also don’t want to fully immerse them in water until their umbilical cord falls off. 

In between baths, you can use warm water and cotton wool to keep them clean. Place special attention to all crevices, like under their neck and behind their knees. Baths are a great way of helping the baby calm down, so many parents like incorporating them as part of their bedtime routine. 

How to Bathe a Newborn

Now that you know when and how often to bathe your baby, we come to the practice itself. It can be a little unnerving when you just start out, but we can make sure that this turns into a pleasant experience for your both.

Sure, they may cry at first, but don’t worry - you’re likely not doing anything wrong. Try to relax (we understand that’s easier said than done), as everything is going to be just fine! Plus, your little one will feed off of your relaxed state of being and will likely be encouraged to be calm, as well.                                                                                                                                                                                                               
So, what is the best way to bathe a newborn? Let’s jump right into it!

How to Sponge Bathe a Newborn

For the first week or so after you arrive home, all they’ll need is a quick but gentle sponge bath. How do you give a newborn a bath at home? Follow these next steps!

  1. Gather Supplies: Make sure everything you may need is within reach. A towel, washcloth, sponge, mild, fragrance-free baby soap, cream or ointment, clean clothing, and a clean diaper are all good ideas. You should never step away from the bath - even for 1 second.

  2. Pick a Location: Where will you be giving your baby their bath? Baby bathtubs are our favorites, as they’re made specifically for the purpose. They are curved in order to keep them as comfy and secure as possible while making it easy to fill up with water. Just make sure the bath is always stable.

    Alternatively, you can use a sink or tub. Just make sure that the location is relatively warm, so they don’t get cold. The spot should be easy for you to kneel down or stand next to, ensuring you always keep a hand on your baby.

  3. Small Sections at a Time: Before undressing your little one, wipe their eyelids with a warm cloth. With a new cloth, wash their entire face, taking care not to put anything into their ears or nose.

    After removing their clothing and diaper and placing them into their tub, cover them with another towel. Lift sections of the towel, cleaning small areas at a time with another warm washcloth. Once you’ve cleaned each area, pat it dry.

  4. Support Their Head: Always make sure your baby’s head is well-supported. Then, lay them gently back down in the back so the back of their head is submerged. You can gently splash some water onto their head - no need for shampoo.

  5. Drying and Dressing: Once they’re completely clean, it’s time to get them ready for dressing! With their head and neck supported, lift them out of the bath and place them on their back on a clean, soft, dry towel on the floor. Wrap them in their towel and pat them dry. Make sure everything is dry - including creases and behind their ears (clean their ears, too!).

Track Everything with Baby Connect

One huge tip that has helped us and so many other parents, is to track everything. You don’t need to go crazy about it, but during the first year, an app like Baby Connect can be a massive help. You can track your little one’s sleep, feeding, diaper changes, and baths, to make sure they’re as healthy and happy as possible!

This way, if there are any changes in behavior or health, you can easily go back and track patterns and irregularities. You can make notes as to things your baby seems to like about bathtime, and things you can change. 

Shayanne Weeks

Shay is a versatile writer originally from Boise, Idaho, now based in Los Angeles, California. When not writing, she's a touring music producer and DJ who tries to fit in time with her partner and 4 fur babies as much as possible.


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