How to Clean a Newborn's Ears

Earwax – it might be a little gross, but we’ve all got it, including babies. Earwax is important and exists to protect the ear from dust, bacteria, and other unwanted germs. If you noticed your baby has a lot of earwax, you may be thinking to yourself, “Is it normal for babies to have dirty ears?”

The short answer is yes! Not only can a baby's ears harbor earwax, but they can also get dirty from dried milk, baby foods, or sweat. Just like any part of the body, your baby will need their ears cleaned. 

Are Q-Tips Safe to Use to Clean a Baby’s Ears?

When you notice your baby tugging on their ears, you may think that they have a buildup of wax. Wax itself is completely safe, but it can cause babies discomfort if there is too much wax built up. You may be tempted to pull out some Q-tips to take care of it yourself, but Q-tips cannot be used in ears! As the old saying goes, “Never stick anything smaller than your elbow in your ear.”

Using a Q-tip in your baby’s ear could cause more serious problems than too much earwax. It can cause: 

  • Ruptured eardrums. If you use a Q-tip in your baby’s ear, you could accidentally go too far inside the canal and rupture the eardrum. This can cause them immense pain, hearing loss, and infections. 

  • Infections. Foreign objects can harbor various bacteria, dust, and dirt and can easily cause infection once placed in the ear. 

  • Pain. A ruptured eardrum is a big consequence of using a Q-tip, but other damages, such as scratches and inflammation can occur. 

  • Cotton stuck in their ears. If a little piece of cotton breaks up in their ears, it can cause them pain, discomfort, and possible hearing loss. If this happens, it will need to be removed by a doctor! 

So, if you notice your baby becoming irritable and pulling on their ears frequently, what can you do about it? Instead of trying to fix it at home, your baby’s pediatrician can treat the problem. It may even be an ear infection, as young babies can experience them more frequently than adults because of their immature ear canals.

How Do I Clean My Baby’s Ears? 

Your next thought may be, “How do I get the gunk out of my baby’s ear?” You don’t have to! Having earwax is necessary to maintain great ear health. It may be tempting to use a Q-tip or cotton ball to get the earwax out of their ear, but this should never be done. This could cause serious damage to the ear. 

Cleaning the outside of the ear is a simple process! You will need a gentle washcloth, warm water, and mild soap. To clean their ear, you will:

  • Wet the washcloth in warm water. Ring out the excess water. Place a dab of mild soap and rub it into the washcloth.

  • Use the washcloth to wipe down around and behind the ear. Repeat if their ear is still dirty. Rinse out the washcloth to remove the soap, ring it out, and wipe down the ear completely. You can dry their ears with a dry washcloth or paper towel. 

And that’s all there is to it! The washcloth should remain on the outside of the ear to avoid inner ear damage. 

Earwax Removal for Babies

If there is a significant amount of ear wax, you may be prescribed ear drops to break up the wax. Alternatively, you might decide to pick some up over the counter. Drops are an easy treatment method and should not cause your baby discomfort when they are administered.

Follow these steps to give your baby ear drops:

  1. Lie your baby down on a comfortable surface with the wax built-up ear facing upwards. 

  2. To open up their ear canal, you will pull down gently on their lobe and back. 

  3. Place five ear drops in the ear unless instructed otherwise by the pediatrician or directions.

  4. Entertain your baby in this position for 10 minutes to allow the drops to get to work. The ear drops will work to soften the earwax. 

  5. Turn your baby on the other side to let the ear drops and ear wax fall out of their ear. You can pat their back to keep them calm and relaxed. Placing paper towels or a washcloth under their ear will avoid extra cleanup! 

Before giving your baby ear drops, be sure to double-check with the pediatrician or instructions for the correct dosage. 

Why Does Earwax Buildup?

Ears are designed to make the perfect amount of earwax, making wax buildup in babies very rare. If too much earwax does build up, it can cause difficulty hearing, discomfort, or even pain. 

Earwax buildup in your baby can happen from:

  • Using Q-tips. Q-tips can push the earwax farther down the canal rather than pulling it out. 

  • Putting fingers in ears. If your little one has been sticking their fingers in their ears, they may be accidentally shoving the earwax down and causing it to build up. 

You may be tempted to fish out the wax on your own, but you should seek guidance from your pediatrician before making any decisions. They can decide whether the wax should be removed or whether it’s harmless. 

Keep Track of Ear Tugging with Baby Connect

Too much earwax in a baby’s ear can cause discomfort and even difficulty hearing. You don’t want your little one having trouble hearing their name! 

You may not always see an abundance of earwax, but your baby may feel it. A way that they can signal to you that they are uncomfortable is by pulling on their ears. 

Using Baby Connect will help you keep track of how often your baby is pulling their ears. If it continues to happen, you can tell the doctor exactly when it is happening for the best treatment for them. This app is the perfect journal for parents who want to stay on top of their baby’s needs! Try it free today on iPhone or Android.

Jessica Manley

Jessica is an avid writer with a creative mindset. If she isn’t writing, you can find her playing with her two children, crocheting, or lifting weights at the gym.


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