Is Your Baby Panting When Excited? 4 Reasons Why

Have you ever noticed your baby “panting” when they get excited? You might’ve been startled to see this strange, animalistic behavior coming from your tiny bundle of joy. Many parents observe this in their babies and wonder what in the world it could mean. In this blog, we'll look at some of the reasons why babies sometimes pant when they're excited and help you understand this adorable yet puzzling phenomenon.

What is Baby Panting? 

Baby panting refers to rapid, shallow breathing that can occur in babies. Unlike normal breathing patterns which are typically steady and calm, panting involves quick in-and-out breaths that may resemble a dog’s panting. 

This behavior is often seen during a baby’s moments of high excitement or stimulation, such as playtime or encountering new experiences. Breathing that resembles panting can be a normal response in babies as they learn to regulate their breathing and excitement responses.

Common Reasons for Baby Panting When Excited

There are several common reasons why your baby might pant, namely when they’re excited. 

1. Breathing Regulation

Infants breathe faster than adults because their lungs are still developing. Additionally, occasional periodic breathing is normal in babies. It’s a type of breathing where the baby breathes rapidly (like panting) several times and then rests their breathing for several seconds. Then, they begin to breathe rapidly again. 

Periodic breathing is most common in premature babies but can also occur in up to 80% of full-term babies. If you notice your baby displaying periodic breathing constantly after 6 months, talk with your pediatrician. 

2. New Experiences

Babies are always learning and encountering new things. Whether it's meeting new people, seeing a new toy, or experiencing a different environment, these new and stimulating experiences can cause a baby to “pant.” The excitement and curiosity can lead to rapid breathing as they process all the new information.

3. Physical Activity

Just like adults, babies can pant after physical exertion. Activities such as crawling, rolling over, or even vigorous play can be quite the workout for your little one. The energy expenditure from these activities can cause them to breathe faster and more shallowly, resulting in panting. This is a normal response to physical activity and usually subsides once they rest.

4. Sensory Overload

Babies are highly sensitive to their surroundings. Multiple stimuli, such as bright lights, loud sounds, and various activities happening simultaneously, can overwhelm their developing senses. This sensory overload can lead to panting as a way for them to calm down from the excitement and overstimulation. Creating a calm and controlled environment can help reduce instances of panting due to sensory overload.

Typical Breathing Patterns in Babies

Your baby has several different breathing patterns that can fluctuate at different developmental stages and even different times of day. Know the basic patterns below.

  • During Sleep: Babies' breathing rates can vary significantly during sleep. It's common for them to experience periods of rapid breathing followed by slower, more regular breaths. This pattern is typical in infants and is usually nothing to worry about.

  • Nose Breathing: Unlike adults, babies primarily breathe through their noses. This nasal breathing can sometimes make their breathing sound noisier or more labored, especially if they have a stuffy nose. It's a normal part of their development and helps them breathe while feeding.

  • Diaphragm Breathing: Babies rely more on their diaphragms for breathing than adults do. Their chest muscles are not fully developed, so they automatically use their diaphragms to move air in and out of their lungs. This can sometimes lead to panting, especially when they're excited or exerting themselves physically.

What Parents Have to Say About Baby Panting Behavior

You're not alone in wondering about your baby's panting behavior! Many parents share similar experiences on parenting forums and community boards. For example, one mom on BabyCenter described her little one's panting as "like a dog when it's excited," while another chimed in with similar observations. Parents often report noticing this behavior during playtime, feeding, or when their babies experience high-energy situations.

The consensus among parents is that this panting is usually normal and even cute. As one parent on Mumsnet put it, "I think the panting is just when she gets super excited." This shared experience helps normalize the behavior, reassuring new parents that their baby's panting is often just another adorable quirk of infancy.

Tips for Parents: Notice How Your Baby’s Breathing Changes

As a parent, understanding your baby's breathing patterns can help you respond appropriately to their needs. Here are some tips to help you understand their breathing changes. 

  • Monitor and Observe: Keep an eye on your baby's panting and try to note any patterns or triggers. Does it happen during playtime, feeding, or when they encounter new experiences?

  • Create a Calm Environment: If you suspect that sensory overload is causing your baby to pant, try creating a calmer environment. Reduce loud noises, dim the lights, and limit the number of new stimuli your baby is exposed to at once.

  • Talk to Your Doctor: If you have any concerns about your baby's breathing patterns, don't hesitate to consult your pediatrician. They can provide professional guidance and help determine if there's any underlying issue that needs attention. 

By following these tips, you can better understand and manage your baby's behaviors, helping them stay happy and healthy.

Baby Connect: Monitor Baby Panting and Breathing 

Remember, baby panting is often normal and temporary. While it's important to stay vigilant for signs of distress, don't forget to enjoy everyday precious moments where your baby experiences excitement and wonder.

To keep track of your baby's important milestones and behaviors, including breathing patterns, try Baby Connect. This innovative parenting app is designed with busy parents in mind, allowing you to conveniently monitor your baby's development every day. Download the app today for a free trial.


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