15 Tips to Keep a Newborn Baby Awake During Feeding

Newborns spend the majority of the day and night sleeping. Most of the time you’re fine with that. They are growing and developing and you are getting more done than you thought you would in the early days. 

The frustrating part about all of their sleep comes at mealtime. They let you know they are hungry and you run to fix their bottle or unbutton your blouse to breastfeed. After a few moments, your infant’s eyelids are again closed and the sucking has completely stopped, even though they’ve only drunk a couple of ounces. They are so comfy, cozy, and warm laying in your arms that it lulls them back to a sleepiness state and they drift off.

How do you keep a newborn baby awake during feeding? You have a million things to do and know if they don’t finish their meal it will be a constant back and forth of sleeping and eating all day long since they never get completely full.

Why are Newborns So Sleepy?

If you’re struggling with keeping your newborn awake while feeding, you are not alone. Here are a few reasons to help you understand that it is normal.

Recovering From Birth

What a journey it has been! I don’t blame our newborns for wanting to take a nice break. In the first few days, your baby may be more interested in sleeping than eating. Moms that have had a difficult labor or used pain-relieving drugs may have sleepier babies. Preemies sleep more too.

Growth and Development

Your baby is growing at an astounding rate, mostly when they are sleeping. Their bodies need rest to gain weight and fill out. And think about how much they are learning each and every new day. Rest helps them to recharge.


Jaundice or other minor infections that newborns frequently develop may make them extra tired. I always tell my kids - the more you sleep the faster you’ll get better.

Newborn Feeding Cues to Watch For

Your baby will definitely tell you when they are hungry. Crying is usually their last resort. Here are a few signs to watch for before they let you know verbally.

  • Rooting. Turning their head and nuzzling against who is holding them.

  • Smacking and squeezing their lips together.

  • Sucking extra hard on fingers, sleeves, or toys they are holding.

  • Squirming and starting to get antsy.

15 Tips to Keep a Newborn Baby Awake During Feeding

Here are fifteen ideas you can try to keep your newborn baby awake during feeding!

1. Sit in a lighted area. Your baby knows that dark means it is time to sleep. My favorite place was always next to our window with the best sunlight. In the evenings turn on a side lamp for that extra glow.

2. Keep your baby cool. They are warm and cozy swaddled in their blanket. Don’t be afraid to loosen it up and let them feel the breeze of fresh air for a few minutes.

3. Take off their clothes. Start with a sock or their cute stocking cap. You can unzip their jammies a few inches too.

4. Engage with your baby. Sing your favorite children’s tune or talk about your day. If you can manage, try reading a short story while feeding.

5. Give them rubs. Rub your baby’s back or run your finger down their cheek. Stroke the bottom of their feet and those precious toes.

6. Perform baby exercises to keep them moving. Move the baby's arms and legs in a bicycle motion one at a time. You can flex their wrists and ankles too.

7. Blow air kisses. Gently blow on your baby's face.

8. Change sides or positions as you feed them. Move your baby from one arm to the next.

9. Switch breasts when nursing. This is of course a given but when it is time to change sides, hold your baby upright for a moment as you switch.

10. Burp them with a pat on the back. Hopefully, the baby changing positions and moving around a bit keeps them awake.

11. Change their diaper. Take a small break and fit in a diaper change. The movement and air on their bum should do the trick.

12. Lay them on their back. Lay them down on a flat surface and see if they wonder where their meal went.

13. Dampen a warm washcloth. Use it to wipe your baby’s face and neck.

14. Bathe them. You may need a time out from feeding to fully awaken them with a bath and gentle massage.

15. Take a minute to play. Have the baby’s brother or sister be silly with their sibling. Your newborn won’t be able to resist listening to that new happy voice.

These tips will help make sure that your baby gets their entire feeding in one sitting. It’s important they stay awake until their tummies are full. Otherwise, they will be taking short naps and always want to be fed, which isn’t fun for Moms or Dads who like organized routines.

Before you know it they will be eating solids and you’ll be begging them to fall asleep at naptime. Enjoy these precious, quiet moments with your little one because I promise you they don’t last long enough.

Connect with Baby Connect

Getting on a schedule with your newborn can be overwhelming at first, but with the help of the Baby Connect app you can monitor your baby’s sleep cycle and record each time they eat. Schedules, problems, milestones, and more can be recorded with just the touch of a button. And the memories will last forever.

Try Baby Connect for free today.


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