Should I Swaddle My Newborn During the Day?

Babies have been swaddled for thousands of years. It is believed in ancient times that babies were wrapped before they could walk to help them develop straight and strong backs. More recently, in the 1990s, the government started a campaign to encourage parents to have their newborns sleep on their backs for safety reasons. One way to help with this? Swaddling.

If you Google any phrase that contains the word ‘swaddle’ you will become inundated with posts. Why do Moms like the swaddle? Why do babies not like the swaddle? Swaddle blanket reviews. Swaddle do’s and don’ts. It can be overwhelming!

Once you’ve decided that you do want to swaddle your newborn, you’ll probably have even more questions about the process! Today we’re answering one common one: why should you swaddle your newborn during the day?

Why You Should Swaddle Your Newborn During the Day

There are a few good reasons why parents might want to consider swaddling their newborn baby during the day. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular.

Mimic the Womb

Your baby was sleeping comfortably in mom’s womb. It’s natural: a warm, tight-knit environment where they didn’t have much room to wiggle around. The swaddle is a way to mimic the same snug feeling, making for peaceful naps.

Encourages Sleep

You will quickly get into a routine with your newborn. While they won’t have much awake time in the beginning, this will gradually increase. They will want to explore and get to know their own bodies as they suck on their fingers and grab their toes.

When it’s nap time again being swaddled by you is their trigger to know it is time to relax and sleep.

Startle Reflex

Many newborns develop the Startle or Moro Reflex because they feel insecure. It can happen when they hear a sudden and unexpected noise. It often occurs when you are laying them down in bed because they no longer feel supported as you drop them down. Their arms flail out and a look of panic crosses their face. A swaddle keeps their arms pinned to their sides and offers security.

A Calm Baby is a Happy Baby

Some days you are at your wits end with a cranky infant. They’ve been changed and fed but are still fussy.

Try the swaddle! The wrapped cozy feeling can feel comforting and help them to settle down.

What Should Your Baby Wear Under the Swaddle?

If your newborn always sleeps in their nursery then setting the ideal temperature is key so the atmosphere is always the same. But many times newborns sleep in different places, whether it is out in the living room to be closer to family or at grandma’s house for the weekend. The climate will always be different depending on the season.

During the summer months, a short sleeve cotton onesie underneath the swaddle should suffice. If it is extra warm you may want to keep them in a diaper only.

As the weather grows colder, consider long sleeve onesies or footed pajamas work great.

Keep in mind that your outfit choice should also depend on the type of swaddle blanket you have. A lightweight muslin is perfect for summer, but thicker cotton will be warmer in the winter.

Safety Tips for Swaddling as Your Newborn Sleeps

When it comes to swaddling, it’s vital to make sure your baby is safe. We encourage you to do your own research, but here are some safety tips:

  1. Find the perfect temperature. We just talked about finding the best outfit and thickness of the swaddle blanket. Swaddling can make your baby heat up, so be on the lookout for flushed cheeks or damp hair and sweating.

  2. Do not use weighted swaddles as these may put too much pressure on your baby.

  3. Use a firm, flat surface to place your baby on their back. You don’t want them to roll when swaddled.

  4. Their own crib is safest. They might like a bassinet too.

  5. Keep an extra eye on the baby when swaddled because you don’t want the blanket to come unraveled and cover their face. Here are our tips when your baby fights the swaddle

  6. Consider using a pacifier as another measure to keep them calm.

Why You Should Stop Swaddling at 8 Weeks

I remember when my son first rolled over. He wanted a toy that was just out of reach and it was cute watching him try to wiggle to get it. He surprised himself by turning over after a big burst of effort. You should have seen the look on his face! This is one of our baby’s first big milestones. Many new breakthroughs will start to occur which is exciting, but it is also a little sad as some newborn techniques come to a close like the swaddle.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents “stop swaddling as soon as your baby shows any signs of trying to roll over. Some babies start working on rolling as early as 2 months of age, but every baby is different.”

How to Transition Your Newborn Away From the Swaddle

It may be a challenge to transition away from the swaddle. You’ve depended on it to help your newborn sleep for at least two months now. Taking away an item that a baby depends on to feel secure is tough. 

One item to help with this transition is the Swaddle Up Transition Bag. It allows for the baby's arms to come out of the wrap, even one arm at a time as you transition but keeps the body and legs still snug.

After your baby starts rolling over, consider something like the Sleep Sack. These ensure your baby’s arms are completely free and leave enough room for their legs to move too. 

The swaddle is an important aspect of your baby's first couple months. It allows your newborn to feel safe and secure in their new environment. Every baby is different and once they show signs of exploring and trying to roll over, it is advised to transition away from the traditional swaddle.

Use Baby Connect to Track Sleep Patterns

The Baby Connect app allows parents to keep track of their baby’s schedule. This includes feedings, nap time, diaper changes, moods, and more.

You can share your newborn’s progress with all caregivers and send photos of your newborn wrapped up like a burrito in their swaddle. Those are the cutest!

Try Baby Connect for free today.


15 Tips to Keep a Newborn Baby Awake During Feeding


What To Do If Your Baby Fights the Swaddle