Survival Guide: The 3 Month Old Sleep Regression

You finally have it all figured out! You understand what your baby’s cries mean. You know how long they will sleep at naptime and when they will want to eat next. The daily schedule is set down to the minute. Things seem to be running smoothly and you pat yourself on the back.

Then the unexpected happens when they are just a few months old. You don’t understand why they are crying in bed or why they are no longer sleeping at naptime.

What went wrong? Don’t worry. It’s completely normal and we are here to help you survive the 3-month old sleep regression stage.

What Is Sleep Regression?

A sleep regression refers to the time that a baby has a change in their sleep pattern. They may be waking more frequently, fussing more often, or sleeping for shorter periods of time.

 A baby’s first sleep regression usually begins around 3 to 4 months when their sleep cycle begins to change from a lighter sleep to deep sleep, like an adult, rather than the constant state of sleep of a newborn. Usually the 3-month old sleep regression is less of a regression and more of a trend towards her permanent sleep pattern. This is a good thing!

Sleep regression will actually happen a few different times in your baby’s first year, including around the 6 month mark, 9 months, and 12 months old.

Why Does Sleep Regression Happen Around 3 Months?

Babies at this age are continually growing and developing. Everyday we are seeing new changes in them. Yesterday they rolled over from front to back and today they are trying sweet potatoes. Each new milestone can lead to excitement and restlessness for your baby. They know there are many new things out there! 

Here are a few reasons your infant may not be sleeping as well:

  1. Learning new skills. Rolling over, laughing, and interacting with you are all big steps.

  2. Transitioning to a new schedule whether it’s mealtime or naptime.

  3. Separation anxiety as they have gotten to know you now and don’t want you to leave.

  4. Growing independence as they test out what they can do.

  5. Life changes. Maybe they are heading to daycare as you go back to work. Or the bassinet has become too small and they are getting comfortable in the new crib.

What Are the Signs of Sleep Regression to Look for at 3 Months Old?

Knowing that your baby may go through a sleep regression stage means you can begin to watch for these developmental clues.

  • Fighting naps or bedtime. 

  • Difficulty falling asleep once you do get them down.

  • Waking frequently after you thought they were sound asleep.

  • Restlessness and getting them to settle.

  • Fussy or crying more than usual.

It may not be the most fun time, but remember all parents are going through the same thing. Resources including Baby Connect are here to help.

Tips to Manage 3-Month Old Sleep Regression

This is the section you’ve been waiting for. How do you get this baby back to sleep and stay asleep? You need answers! 

  1. Watch for cues. Baby rubbing their eyes? It’s time to head to bed.

  2. Maintain a consistent bedtime schedule. For example, give your baby their last food of the day at 7pm, read them a short book, rock in the chair, and say your goodnights. All in the same order every night. Keeping things consistent helps let your baby know it’s time to start winding down for the day!

  3. Set up a cool, dark, quiet environment. Consider a fan or white noise machine. It is soothing and blocks out unwanted noises. Or buy black-out blinds to not let the early morning light in.

  4. Don’t rush in if you hear her rustling around. I know it’s hard to wait if you think your baby is up and anxious, but give them a few moments to see if they can settle back down on their own.

  5. Stay calm. Being patient may be the hardest skill of all.

How Long Does the 3-Month Old Sleep Regression Last?

All babies are different, but sleep regression usually lasts 2-6 weeks. This is the time frame it takes for an infant to get used to her new routine or to master the new skills that they have learned.

Don’t fret, in just a few weeks everything will be back to normal and your baby will be on the schedule you set. They’ll be back to sleeping normally, which means you can sleep soundly too knowing everything is okay.

The 3-month old sleep regression can cause parents to worry at first, but expecting it to happen and watching for the signs will ease your discomfort. With our survival guide you can manage the sleep regression knowing it won’t last long. Remember, the soft snores of a slumbering baby are music to the ears of any parent. You will get there again!

Track Sleep Regression with Baby Connect

Track your baby’s sleep using the Baby Connect app. You don’t have to remember how long they napped yesterday because you’ve kept track of the times they have slept in the app. Record each session by time and analyze her sleep cycle easily. It’s all kept in one place.

It’s important to track sleep quality, wake-ups, nighttime feedings, diaper changes, and anything else affecting your infant’s sleep.


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