Newborn Won't Sleep in a Bassinet? Here's Why

It’s all set up. The adorable bassinet you received as a gift from their excited grandparent. You’ve found the cutest sheets to use and now the only thing missing is the bundle of joy who is expected to arrive any day. You're dreaming about cozy evenings and playful mornings with your newborn right next to your bed.

Then the baby arrives and your expectations are dashed. Your newborn won’t sleep in the bassinet you’ve lovingly prepared. Here are some reasons why babies won’t sleep in a bassinet and some tips on how to make the bassinet more comfortable and appealing to them.

Reasons Why Your Newborn Won’t Sleep in a Bassinet

There are several reasons why your newborn baby might not like sleeping in their bassinet at first:

  1. They are used to sleeping in your arms. You haven’t wanted to let your baby go since the moment they were born. It’s understandable but you will want to get some work done eventually.

  2. They are overstimulated and/or overtired. It’s been a long day and they may be overwhelmed from taking in all the new sights. They need a nap but just don’t want to sleep.

  3. They are hungry. You thought they had enough at mealtime but apparently not.

  4. It’s too quiet or loud. Newborns don’t like complete silence as they are used to mom’s womb noises. They don’t like sudden loud noises either. Using a white noise machine can help with this.

  5. It’s too hot or cold. Is the temperature set just right in the nursery? Are they wearing the right layer of clothes?

  6. Reflux is common in babies. After eating their stomach acid moves back up the wrong way and can make them uncomfortable when lying down.

  7. Startle Reflex can happen when you are laying them down. A quick movement or unwanted sound can startle them.

How to Get Your Newborn to Sleep in a Bassinet

You want your baby to be able to sleep without you holding them. Since they sleep on their back in the bassinet be sure to practice this more throughout the day. For example, lay a blanket on the floor at playtime and interact with them when they aren’t in your arms.

Keep to a nap schedule and watch for sleep cues. Once your baby starts yawning and rubbing their eyes they are bordering on being overtired. Keep to a routine the best you can and begin winding down as that next naptime approaches.

As your baby is falling asleep, keep them close to you as you bend down to put them in the bassinet. Gently lay down and try not to set off their startle reflex. I know this is easier said than done!

Don’t keep the bassinet right next to the bed at night as it can be distracting knowing you are right there. Using a pacifier may be an option because the sucking is soothing to them.

How to Keep Your Newborn Comfortable in a Bassinet

There are a few things you can try to make your newborn baby feel more relaxed in their bassinet.

Change your baby's diaper right before they are getting sleepy.

Dress them comfortably. This may be in a swaddle or a sleep sack, but the important thing is for them not to be too hot or too cold. 

Try to keep a perfect sleep environment. You may want to invest in black curtains to keep the room dark. A white noise machine playing nearby may be soothing. And don’t forget to keep the ideal temperature and humidity in their room.

For supervised naps when you are nearby, you may want to try baby sleeping in the Snuggle Me Lounger. It gives the baby the ‘snuggle’ and close-knit feeling. Word of warning though - it is not a sleeping device and should never be put in a bassinet or crib.

Safety Sleep Reminders for a Bassinet

The most basic bassinet is the safest. A firm mattress and a clean fitted sheet. You don’t need any crib rails and since you have the ideal temperature in the room, you don’t need a blanket.

Make sure there are no gaps between the mattress and the bassinet. Tuck the sheet in snugly so there is no loose bedding that the baby could tug on.

Around 4 months of age your baby will start kicking and moving more. You will need to determine if it is time to switch to a crib.

Track How Your Baby Sleeps with Baby Connect

The Baby Connect app lets you track your baby’s sleep cycle. Record each session and you can analyze if things are going smoothly or if something doesn’t seem right.

It’s important to track sleep quality, wake-ups, nighttime feedings, diaper changes, and anything else affecting your infant’s sleep.

Transitioning your baby to the bassinet keeps them nearby and gives both of you a sense of comfort. It may be challenging at first to acclimate them into the new bed, but learning why your newborn won’t sleep in a bassinet will help you understand the problem.

Following these guidelines will hopefully get you and your baby sleeping soundly and happily for many nights to come. Sweet dreams!


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