When Do Babies Get Eyelashes?

Some babies are born with thick, luscious lashes, while some babies are born with none at all. Whether your baby has eyelashes or not, it is completely normal! Eyelashes and eyebrows begin growing in utero but may not make their full appearance until your baby is a few months old. 

Your sweet baby might not have any eyelashes when they are first born, and that is okay! Rest assured that your little one should not be a lashless wonder for long. Continue reading to learn more about when your baby will get eyelashes. 

Why Doesn't My Baby Have Eyelashes?

You may think that every baby is born with a full set of lashes, but that is not the case! Some babies are born with lashes long enough to blow you away when they blink, while others have none at all!

Rest assured, your baby will grow eyelashes if they don't have them already, but here are some common reasons why you may not see lashes on your bundle of joy:

Their Eyelashes Are Blonde

If you've ever met someone with blonde or red hair, you may notice that it's hard to see their eyelashes. This is because their eyelashes are most likely a light color! Your baby might have small eyelashes that are light in color, making it difficult to see them. 

They Were Born Premature

Babies who are born prematurely have not yet fully developed. While this can affect their size and organ development, it can also affect their hair growth! Many preemies are born with no hair at all, including their eyelashes because they are not far enough along developmentally for them to have grown the lashes. Give it a few more months, and you'll be sure to see lashes soon enough! 

Their Eyelashes Are Growing Slowly

Like hair on your head, eyelashes can grow slowly or fast. Some people have hair that grows fast, while others' hair grows slowly. Depending on how fast their hair follicle cycle is will determine how fast their lashes grow. There are four cycles for hair growth, and it can take up to three years for the hair follicle to go through all four stages. 

Importance of Eyelashes

Other than being beautiful to look at, what else are eyelashes good for? Eyelashes are important for everyone as they help to keep dirt and debris out of the eye. If you feel something against your lashes, this gives you the cue to wipe away the particles to help keep your eye safe from foreign objects. 

Your baby, though, does not yet have the capability to properly remove particles from their eyes. This is why eyelashes are their main line of defense to keep their eyes safe! 

Whether your baby has eyelashes or not, it is important that you keep their eyes lean to lower the chance of particles getting in their eyes. You can do this with a damp washcloth and starting from the inner eye. 

Can I Style or Cut My Baby's Lashes?

Many adults enjoy taking care of their lashes. Some cut them while others curl them or use mascara to make them darker and fuller. While it may be tempting to accentuate your baby's eyelashes, it is best to let them go naturally! 

Cutting your baby's lashes will lessen their ability to keep particles out of your baby's eyes. If they are shorter, they will not have enough length to catch dirt or debris. 

Eyelash Stuck in Baby's Eyes

Uh oh: Your baby got an eyelash stuck in their eye. The eyelash can poke your baby's eye or even irritate and infect it. You can't just take your fingers and dig in, so how will you get it out?

Thankfully, you can get the eyelash out safely without hurting your baby. Similar to cleaning your baby's eyes, you will use the same method to get the eyelashes out. Take a damp washcloth and start wiping from the inner eye and go towards the outer. Repeat until the eyelash is successfully removed from the eye. 

My Baby Still Doesn't Have Eyelashes

In most cases, your baby should grow eyelashes in the first few months of life if they weren't born with them. It is usually not a cause for concern, but if you wait a few months and they still don't have eyelashes, you can always talk with their pediatrician. 

If your baby doesn't grow lashes, they may have a dermatological disorder called Madarosis, which is a loss of eyelashes or eyebrows. This is a fairly uncommon disorder, but it is worth mentioning to their doctor if you have large concerns. 

Track Your Baby's Development with Baby Connect

As your baby grows, their looks will start maturing, they will begin learning new skills, and their personality will begin to shine. Although you will miss that cuddly, motionless potato that you used to carry everywhere, you will adore the toddler that starts pulling themself to stand. As a parent, it's heartwarming to look back at your baby's development and reminisce about when they reached certain milestones. 

Rather than carry around a beat-up notebook to keep track of your baby's milestones, you can now download an all-in-one app. With Baby Connect, you can plug in all of your child's health information, milestones, and even daily activities. In one convenient spot, you can monitor all of the most important parts of your baby's life with a simple click of a button! 

Try Baby Connect for free today.

Jessica Manley

Jessica is an avid writer with a creative mindset. If she isn’t writing, you can find her playing with her two children, crocheting, or lifting weights at the gym.


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