Baby Keeps Putting Hands Behind Head: Here's Why

One of the joys of parenting a newborn is discovering your baby’s adorable little quirks and behaviors. But a noticeable pattern that might leave you puzzled is when your little one keeps putting their hands behind their head. Don’t worry—this is perfectly normal behavior that can actually signal that your baby is growing.

If you’re stumped by why babies do this, keep reading. Here are some answers to this common question. 

Different Hand-Over-Head Positions in Babies

First, understand that babies explore many different positions and hand gestures as their motor skills develop. Your baby’s hands and head are two fascinating, natural extensions of their place in the world that’s so new to them. Here are several types of hand-and-head behaviors in babies, as well as what they could mean.

Baby Putting Their Hands Behind Their Head While Awake

You may notice your baby bringing their hands behind their head or resting them there while they are awake and alert. This behavior is often accompanied by stretching, kicking, and general movement exploration.

Baby Sleeping With Hands Near Their Head

Many babies find comfort in sleeping with their hands above their heads or slightly tucked behind their head. You may find them in this position when you check on them during naptime or in the morning.

Baby Transitioning from One Position to Another

You might observe your baby moving their hands from behind their head to above their head, or vice versa. They may even pat their head, place their hands on top of their head, or rub their face with their hands. This is normal as they transition between different positions and states of alertness.

Reasons Why Babies Put Their Hands Behind Their Head

Here are the most common reasons why your baby keeps putting their hands behind their head, whether awake or asleep. 

Developmental Reflexes and Motor Skill Development

Babies are born with several involuntary reflexes that play a crucial role in their early development. Two reflexes that can cause babies to bring their hands behind or above their heads are:

  • The startle reflex: a natural response to sudden sounds or movements, causing babies to extend their arms and legs outward. 

  • The tonic neck reflex: a reflex that causes babies to turn their head to one side while extending the arm and leg on the same side. 

These reflexes help babies develop muscle control and coordination, eventually leading to more voluntary movements and the ability to reach developmental milestones like rolling over, sitting up, and crawling.

Comfort and Self-Soothing

For many babies, putting their hands behind their head can be a self-soothing technique. This is especially the case when they feel overstimulated, fussy, or overwhelmed. The familiar positioning and gentle pressure can provide a sense of comfort and security, similar to being swaddled or held close. 

This self-soothing behavior is often seen when babies are trying to calm themselves down or fall asleep. It's a natural way for them to regulate their emotions and find a sense of peace and relaxation.

Mimicking the Womb Environment

During their time in the womb, babies were constantly in the fetal position—curled up with their hands naturally resting near their face. When babies put their hands behind their head, it can be a way for babies to mimic this familiar and comforting positioning from the womb. This behavior can provide a sense of security and familiarity, helping them transition to the outside world more smoothly.

Exploring Surroundings and Senses

Babies are naturally curious and love to explore their surroundings through touch, sight, sound, and even taste and smell. Bringing their hands to their face allows them to experience new textures, observe their own fingers and hands, and potentially taste or smell their hands. This exploration helps stimulate their senses and aids in their overall development. 

Why Do Babies Sleep With Hands Above Their Head?

Many parents are surprised to find their little ones sleeping with their hands above their head. However, this position is actually quite common and beneficial for babies. 

The "hands-up" sleeping position is linked to deeper, more restful sleep cycles. When babies sleep with their hands near their face, they can self-soothe by grasping their fingers or feeling the warmth and familiarity of their own skin. 

However, it's important that your baby has a safe sleep environment. Always place babies on their backs on a firm, flat surface without any loose bedding, pillows, or toys that could pose a suffocation risk. Creating a comfortable sleep space with the right temperature and white noise can also help promote better sleep for your little one.

Abnormal Behaviors of Babies Putting Hands Behind Their Head

While putting hands behind the head is generally a normal and harmless behavior, there are some abnormal patterns that may need a doctor’s attention. 

Excessive hand movements, abnormal positioning, or restricted mobility could potentially be a sign of discomfort or a developmental concern. Your doctor can evaluate the behavior, provide guidance, and rule out any underlying issues. It's always better to err on the side of caution and seek professional reassurance if you sense something is wrong, especially if you notice any other unusual symptoms or patterns accompanying the hand positioning.

Keep Track of Your Baby’s Behaviors With the Baby Connect App

As a new parent, you’ll continue to notice all sorts of behaviors and habits that may seem strange or even concerning at first. From rubbing their face into surfaces to sleeping with their hands above their head, baby behaviors are often perfectly normal and natural. Embrace these quirks and enjoy the journey of parenthood, knowing that every little thing your baby does is a part of their growth and development.

Keep track of your baby’s behaviors and sleep patterns with features in the Baby Connect app. Download Baby Connect to track your baby's development, milestones, and wellness to gain insights into progress and understand the reasons behind their adorable quirks.


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