How to Change Your Newborn Baby’s Sleep Pattern from Day to Night

Sometimes I find myself jealous of newborn babies. They can catch a snooze just about anywhere at any time of the day! While this is great for parents who enjoy an active lifestyle during the day, it can be frustrating in the middle of the night when your little one is full of energy, and you’re trying to fall asleep.

This means sleep deprivation for many parents and caregivers. It will have many parents wondering how long it takes for newborns to adjust to day and not night! Keep reading to learn helpful ways to get your newborn to enjoy sleeping at night. 

Learn Your Baby’s Sleep Cues

Just like anyone else, your baby will give you clues that they’re ready to sleep! When your baby is a newborn, you are still getting to know each other and recognize their cues. Before your baby gets overtired, look out for some of these signs:

  • Yawning

  • Fussing

  • Turning away from you

An interesting sign of drowsiness in babies is red eyebrows. I was told this by someone while pregnant with my first baby, and it really helped me while navigating learning how to be a parent. When I met all her other needs and still wasn’t sure what was wrong, her red eyebrows would give it away! 

Meet their Needs

This might seem silly to mention, but be sure to meet all of their needs before they go to sleep!

Right before bed, you can feed them, change their diaper, and put on their pajamas before they go to sleep. This ensures that they are full, dry, and comfortable. At that point, they will hopefully just need a little bit of cuddling to drift off! 

Take a Splash

Baths can be a lifesaver when it comes to bathtime. Something about warm water and cozy towels can help babies get ready to go to sleep. You can also use special bedtime baby bath bubbles made with lavender, as they are designed to help relax babies! 

After their bath, you can help unwind them further. Dry them off, give them a massage while putting on lotion, and put them in comfortable pajamas. You can then read them a book while cuddling them close and before putting them to bed! 

Separate Daytime and Nighttime

You want your baby to understand that daytime is for fun and nighttime is for sleep. You can do this by keeping them in a well-lit room or outside during the day while playing, eating, etc. This helps them realize that daytime is fun and exciting while nighttime is boring. 

Once it is time for them to take a nap, begin unwinding by turning off engaging stimuli and taking on a more calm demeanor. You can then move them to a darkened bedroom to sleep! 

Set the Mood

As mentioned in the point above, you want to set the tone in their bedroom to promote sleep. You can turn off their lights and use a light fan or a white noise machine for them to listen to. Their crib should be free of any pillows, blankets, or toys until they are at least one year old. 

The point of keeping the room calm is so that they are not overstimulated. If they are bored in their room, the hope is that they eventually fall asleep! This will teach them that during the day, it is time to play, and that when it is dark it is time to sleep. 

Swaddle Your Baby

Swaddling your baby can help relax your baby enough to go to sleep. You can swaddle your baby until they begin rolling. The tightness of the blanket can help mimic the womb, allowing your little one to drift off to dreamland! 

If they are too big to be swaddled, you can use a sleep sack. Bonus points if it is a weighted sleep sack! This will keep your baby warm and provide a little pressure to help keep them calm throughout the night. 

Related: Best Baby Sleep Sacks for 2023

Don’t Wake Your Baby to Eat

Before taking this suggestion, be sure to check with your pediatrician. Some doctors believe a baby can sleep through the night once they’ve reached their birth weight, while others want the baby to be woken up and fed every few hours until they reach two months old. Follow whichever route your pediatrician recommends.

With that being said, once your baby is cleared, let them sleep through the night! As much as you might miss those late-night snuggles, your body will thank you for catching some shut eye. Once your baby is a little older and eating more throughout the day, they will not need those late-night feedings to help supplement their diet. 

Another important note is to keep your baby awake during feedings. If they begin to doze off, they could not only choke but associate feedings with sleep. You want them to understand that when it is bright outside, it is for eating and playing, not for sleeping. 

Keep Track of Your Baby’s Sleep Cycle with Baby Connect

It’s important that your baby (and you) get enough sleep. This means helping transition your baby from round-the-clock sleeping to more of a nighttime schedule. This can be difficult in the beginning, but it is worth it once your little one is snoozing at night. 

Keeping a record of when they sleep is a great way to begin setting a sleep schedule. You can track how long they are sleeping, when their last nap was, and begin transitioning them to more of a nighttime schedule. Baby Connect allows you to track your baby’s sleep schedule seamlessly, making it a no-brainer when it comes to deciding on an app to track your baby’s development! 

Jessica Manley

Jessica is an avid writer with a creative mindset. If she isn’t writing, you can find her playing with her two children, crocheting, or lifting weights at the gym.


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