What To Do If Your Baby Fights the Swaddle

We always remember the moment when a stranger extends kindness to us. It’s been many years since I stayed in the hospital with my firstborn, but I have a memory that I will never forget. 

It was the middle of the night and I just fed and changed my infant. He should have gone to sleep instantly but was fussy instead. I didn’t understand what I was doing wrong.

A nurse steps into my room and takes him from me. She knew right away his swaddle wasn’t fitting snuggly. When I changed him I didn’t fold the blanket the correct way. I didn’t notice, but my newborn sure did.

The nurse patiently showed me the expert way to swaddle a baby and in minutes he was sound asleep again. I’ve learned since then that I wasn’t alone in figuring out how the swaddle works.

What could be wrong and how can we fix it? Those are always the questions in our minds when our little ones are upset. Let’s explore some reasons why your baby wakes up and fights the swaddle.

Why Newborns Prefer the Swaddle

The definition of swaddle is: to wrap in cloth. Think about yourself for a moment. How do you feel when you have a blanket wrapped around you? You feel comforted. That is exactly what you want your newborn to feel. The goal is to mimic the feeling of them being in the womb. It is warm and cozy and snug fitting in there.

Many newborns develop the Startle or Moro Reflex in the womb which continues until three months of age. Their arms swing out and they get a startled look on their face. This usually happens because they feel they aren’t supported. For example, when you are laying them down their arms start frailing like they are falling. If they are swaddled their arms are immobile and they feel more secure. 

Another reason to think about is your routine. Once a newborn is fed, changed, and swaddled again, it is a trigger to say it is time to wind down and go to sleep. According to WebMd, “the researchers found swaddling increases a baby’s total amount of sleep….when compared with when they were not swaddled.” 

Why Do Some Babies Fight the Swaddle?

You wish your baby could talk and tell you why they don’t like being swaddled. Is it because they feel constricted and want the freedom to move around? Here are a few reasons why your baby might fight the swaddle:

  • Not swaddled correctly

  • Too warm or cold

  • They can now roll over

Not Swaddled Correctly

Just like my story above your baby doesn’t feel snug. 

  1. Make sure you have the right-sized blanket. Too big and the swaddle is too bulky. Too small and the corners will have a hard time staying tucked.

  2. Is it tight enough? You don’t want any loose ends coming unraveled. 

  3. Baby’s arms need to be straight. Bent arms give the baby more wiggle room.

Too Warm or Too Cold

You may need a few types of swaddle blankets depending on the season. A lightweight muslin is perfect for summer, but thicker cotton will be warmer in the winter. Keeping the baby's room at the ideal temperature will help you determine what blanket is best for your infant.

Can Now Roll Over

If your baby is old enough to try to roll over, it’s time to stop swaddling.

Tips to Help Babies Who Wake Up Fighting the Swaddle

It’s frustrating when your baby doesn’t like the swaddle. Here are our suggestions to help you and your little one perfect the swaddle together.

1. Practice the Swaddle

Grab a doll or stuffed animal to practice on. 7 Swaddles gives examples and videos on how to fold and tuck seven different ways depending on the stage of your baby.

2. Keep Calm

It’s hard not to get anxious when something isn’t going your way, but staying calm is something your baby can feel.

3. Make Sure Your Baby is Peaceful

It is more difficult to swaddle an overtired and cranky baby. When they are quiet and content you may begin the technique.

4. Gentle Bouncing

Newborns love the sway and the bounce as you hold them tight against you. Keep it up after the swaddle is complete to soothe away their anxiety.

5. Try Once Asleep

If everything seems to be failing but you don’t aren’t ready to give up hope, then try swaddling them when they are sleeping. You can assess them as they sleep and when they wake up. Did they sleep longer? Maybe ‘tricking’ them into liking it is the key.

Swaddle Blankets That May Help Babies Who Fight the Swaddle

Here are a few types of swaddle blankets that have great reviews for babies who fight the traditional swaddle.

The Miracle Blanket made with 100% cotton this blanket secures the arms well which helps babies not startle and wake up. It is a ‘miracle’ for moms!

Sleepea 5-second Swaddle is made with 100% organic cotton that has an inner wing to keep arms down. It grows with babies who may later want their arms out.

Halo SleepSack Swaddle is made with 100% cotton and voted #1 overall swaddle by Forbes. It has over thirty thousand positive Amazon reviews from parents who now have happy babies.

Learning why your baby fights the swaddle is the first step. You want them to feel comfortable and secure so that they can sleep soundly without any type of distraction. Once you have determined the reason, then learning how to perfect the swaddle wrap or finding a ‘ready to go’ swaddle blanket will hopefully be the answer that you’ve been looking for. They sure do look precious wrapped up like a burrito!

Use Baby Connect to Make Sure Your Baby Is Getting Enough Sleep

The Baby Connect app allows parents to keep track of their baby’s schedule. This includes feedings, nap time, diaper changes, moods, and more.

You can share your newborn’s progress with all caregivers and send cute baby burrito pictures to each other. Keeping organized allows parents to feel in control, even when they are pulling their hair out because the baby wakes up fighting the swaddle.


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