3 Signs Your Baby Doesn’t Want To Be Swaddled

Before your baby is born, they enjoy an all-inclusive stay at Hotel Mom where they are always warm, fed, and happy. Once they are born, they are thrust into a loud, and sometimes cold, environment and this is a complete shock to their system! Adjusting to the outside world can be difficult for some babies, which can affect their day-to-day life. 

To help babies acclimate to the world, many parents choose to swaddle them to help them feel more warm and secure, similar to the womb. Swaddling your baby can be a great way to keep them comfortable in the early days, but there is a certain age that you should stop by if they don’t let you know first! Continue reading to learn the three biggest signs your baby is finished with the swaddle. 

1. They Roll Over

You’ve been swaddling your baby right along with no problem when, all of a sudden, they start rolling around. This might come as a surprise to you as you should always place your babies on their back to fall asleep, but now they are rolling onto their side, or even more frightening, their stomach! 

Swaddling has been used for years to help comfort babies to relax and feel comforted. While this can be safe if done correctly, you must be vigilant in watching for signs that they are ready to ditch the swaddle. One of the biggest cues is that your baby is rolling over! 

Once your baby starts rolling over in the crib, it’s important to stop using a swaddle. This is because a swaddle restricts movement, which can be dangerous if they roll onto their stomach. If this were to happen, they would need their hands and arms to help move their face away from the mattress. When your baby needs to get rid of the swaddle, it’s time to find an alternative! 

2. They Break Out of the Swaddle

Has your baby suddenly become an expert escape artist? You put your baby to bed, wrapped snugly in their swaddle just to hear crying from their room. You go in, and there is your sweet baby, broke free from their swaddle! 

Now, you might be thinking to yourself, “Now what?” Depending on the time of night (or nap), it might feel pointless to try to swaddle your baby again. I know I experienced this with both of my kids! 

If your baby has only done this once or twice, it might have only been a fluke thing. If it happens consistently, then you have a strong baby on your hands! With a strong baby comes having to make accommodations. You will need to find an alternative to the swaddle once your baby is frequently breaking free so that they don’t get tangled in the blanket! 

3. They Don’t Like the Swaddle

Your baby may not have started to roll over or break out of the swaddle, but they just might plain old not like it!

Not every baby will enjoy being swaddled, and that’s okay. You can usually tell your baby doesn’t like the swaddle when they are happier than a clam during the day but become fussy and irritable as soon as you start wrapping them up in their blanket. 

What To Do In Place of Swaddling

For whatever reason you can’t swaddle your baby, there are alternatives that work just as well to help comfort your baby! With the impressive amount of baby products out there, it’ll be no problem to find something that works for your baby. 

When looking for a swaddle alternative, look for some of these important qualities: 

  • Do not restrict your baby’s arms in one position. 

  • Allow your baby’s arms to move freely so that way they can safely roll around during the night. 

  • Give your baby the mobility they need to move throughout the night as well as enjoy added comfort and security. 

  • Have enough room for your baby to grow. If your baby is wrapped in any fabric tightly, it can hinder proper hip development. 

Finding the right swaddle alternative for your baby can be difficult, but once you find what works,  it will make a world of difference when it comes to catching some shut-eye! Some of these alternatives include sleep sacks, wearable blankets, or sleeping bags. I personally moved to sleep sacks once both of my kids outgrew the swaddle, and they both did great! 

An important thing to keep in mind is that sleep sacks can be made to be weighted and have various materials. Some sleep sacks are made heavier to keep your baby warm in the weather, while others are lighter for those warm spring nights. When you are looking to purchase a sleep sack, be sure to get your baby’s size for the appropriate time of the year! 

Monitor Your Baby’s Milestones with Baby Connect

Your baby ditching the swaddle is one of the very first accomplishments your baby will experience in their life. This just means that they are becoming more secure with you and their environment! Saying goodbye to the swaddle may be hard for you and your baby at first, but it is a stepping stone to eventually having more restful sleep and increased independence. 

If there’s one thing parents do best, it’s keeping track of their baby’s milestones. As much as we want to remember our baby’s accomplishments, it can be hard as the months and years go by. With Baby Connect, you can document all of your baby’s important information in one place, and you can access it whenever you need to! 

Download Baby Connect for free now.

Jessica Manley

Jessica is an avid writer with a creative mindset. If she isn’t writing, you can find her playing with her two children, crocheting, or lifting weights at the gym.


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