How to Use Baby Wipes on a Newborn

Using wipes might seem like a no-brainer, but there are plenty of things you need to know about using wipes with a newborn! You want your baby to be as comfortable, clean, and happy as possible, and this involves using wipes the right way. There are plenty of different wipes to choose from, as well as things you need to keep in mind when using them. 

How do you know how to use wipes on your newborn? What wipes are the right kind for you and your baby? Continue reading to learn the ins and outs of choosing the right wipes for your newborn. 

What Type of Wipes Are There?

There are different kinds of wipes to serve you and your baby's needs. The type of wipe you choose relies mainly on what your baby tolerates the best. 


Scented wipes are made with a light fragrance to help diminish the smell that once came from your baby’s bottom. This can be a great way to help your baby smell nice and fresh, but beware that they may not tolerate the additives well. When trying to use scented wipes for your baby, buy a small pack at first to make sure your baby doesn’t show any sensitivities to them. 


Don’t confuse unscented and sensitive wipes. Unscented wipes are absent of fragrance, but may also contain alcohol or other ingredients that could bother your baby’s skin. If your baby has overly sensitive skin, unscented may still cause irritation. 


These wipes are almost guaranteed to work for almost any baby. They lack any fragrances and are alcohol-free. They are especially invaluable to babies with skin conditions such as eczema and rashes.

Should You Use Warm Wipes on Your Baby?

Using a wipe warmer is a luxury that some babies enjoy. Instead of being shocked with cool wipes on their undercarriage, they are greeted with a warm cleaning. An important thing to keep in mind is that if they become used to warm wipes at home, they may become agitated while out and about if they don’t have access to warm wipes. 

Ultimately, the decision is yours. If you believe that it will enhance your baby’s diaper-changing experience, go for it! But if you don’t think it’s necessary, that’s okay too. 

The Scoop on Disposable Wipes

You will find that many brands of wipes market their products as being safe to flush down the toilet. Although you may think this is safe to do, please be advised that this is not a good idea. They will flush, but will quickly cause clogs in your pipes, which can quickly turn into a huge issue. Instead, stick the used wipes in with their diaper, roll up the diaper, pin it closed with the diaper straps, and toss everything in the trash! 

Get Your Cleaning Station Ready

Before you change your baby’s diaper, you want to make sure you have everything you’ll need. The last thing you want is to open up your baby’s diaper just to find that you don’t have your pack of wipes or forgot the diaper! I can’t count the amount of times I’ve done this without thinking. 

Here are some of the things you want to have ready before a diaper change:

  • Diaper

  • Wipes

  • Diaper rash cream

  • Spare outfit

The spare outfit is not a necessity, but it is something you may want on hand, especially when your baby is a newborn. Newborns poop frequently, and it is often liquid. This can cause poop to easily fly up the back, resulting in the need for a midday wardrobe change! 

How to Wipe Your Newborn

Wiping a newborn may seem stressful. They’re so small, you don’t want to break them! (Spoiler: you won’t). 

Cleaning a baby’s bottom is really pretty easy. Until they get bigger, that is! When your baby is a newborn, you can easily move them whichever way you need to make sure they are completely clean. As they grow, though, it will start to feel like you are wrestling an alligator into a clean diaper. 

Before you begin changing your baby, make sure they are completely done before you change them. Try to hold off when you first hear some grunts, as they may need another few minutes to finish their business. 

When wiping your baby, be sure that you are beginning from the front to the back. This is especially important if the baby is a girl, as they can get an infection if wiped improperly. If your baby has a diaper rash, take extra care to make sure that it is clean. Use diaper rash cream or ointment on the rash so that it acts as a barrier between the skin and the diaper to prevent further irritation. 

Track Your Baby’s Health with Baby Connect

Making sure your baby is always clean, fed, and warm is your top priority as a parent. You want your little bundle of joy to be happy and healthy at all times! This includes making sure that you are using the right wipes for them to avoid uncomfortable rashes. 

Sensitive skin is a condition that affects approximately 50% of women and 40% of men. Because of this, many people have to be cautious of what materials they wear, the detergent they use, and the fragrances they spray to avoid skin irritation. 

With Baby Connect, you can monitor any possible skin rashes and document the detergents or soaps used to figure out what is causing the irritation. Forget relying on your memory for important information, such as when the last feeding was or the last bowel movement; use Baby Connect instead!

Try Baby Connect for free now.

Jessica Manley

Jessica is an avid writer with a creative mindset. If she isn’t writing, you can find her playing with her two children, crocheting, or lifting weights at the gym.


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