Why Does a Crib Need to Be Away from the Wall?

Your baby’s crib is their sanctuary. Just as most adults dream about their warm, comfy bed after a long day, many babies feel comforted by being in their familiar space! Most babies sleep in their crib until they are 18-36 months, and this depends largely on the baby (and the parent). 

Since your baby spends so much time in their crib, it’s important that it’s located in the safest spot in the room. You may think that you can place it anywhere, but that’s not the case! There are a few things to consider when choosing the perfect spot for your little one to rest their head each night. Continue reading to learn why you should keep a crib a foot away from the wall. 

Where is the Safest Place to Put the Crib?

If there’s anything that parents know well, it’s that little ones, no matter how small, are really good at getting into trouble! As soon as they can start wiggling around in their crib, they are bound to start exploring their environment. After all, they learn about the world through their five senses, with touch being a crucial one! 

Their keen curiosity is the precise reason that the crib should be a foot away from the wall. The crib should also be away from windows as your baby may reach out to grab the blinds or curtains. This can be a huge hazard issue, and there have been cases of accidental strangulation. 

The crib should also be away from other pieces of furniture, including changing tables and dressers. The last thing you want is for your baby to try to climb out of the crib and onto other furniture or other items, such as a white noise machine! The very best spot for your baby’s crib is towards the middle of the room, with a minimum of a foot away from any piece of furniture or windows. 

Possible Toxins or Allergens

Something that you may not think about is that the wall can harbor some unwanted toxins or allergens. This could be elements such as dust, dander, mold spores, and even gasses such as radon. Over time, they could accumulate on the wall and become irritating to your baby. 

When you put the crib towards the middle of the room, it allows for more airflow to go around the crib. If it were directly against the wall, your baby would be much more exposed to these elements. 

Benefits of Crib in the Middle of the Room

While it may feel odd having a crib towards the middle of the room, it is really the best option for both your baby and you! One of the biggest reasons is that it is typically easier to check on your baby if they are placed towards the center of the room. Instead of creeping in the room and trying to peer around corners, you can open their door a crack to check on them quickly without accidentally disturbing them. 

Another benefit is that it makes caring for your baby much easier! If you need to provide care during the middle of the night, such as a diaper change, outfit change, clearing their nose, or even just comforting them back to sleep, you will have access to your baby from every angle. With unlimited mobility and access to your baby, you can provide them with the best care possible every time. 

Hazards of Crib Against the Wall

Having your baby’s crib against the wall can be dangerous for your baby, primarily because it is an immovable object. This can cause a couple of different potential problems for your baby. 

If your baby gets their limbs stuck in the bars of the crib, being against the wall could pinch or trap your baby’s skin. This could cause cuts, bruising, or even a fracture if at the right angle.

Another hazard is suffocation. While nothing should be in the crib until your baby is at least two years old, some parents do opt for a stuffed animal or blanket for their little ones. If these items press against the wall and the crib, it does not have the room to move and could cause suffocation. 

How to Move Crib from the Wall to the Middle of the Room

If your baby’s crib is already snug against the wall, they are more than likely used to where they are sleeping. Moving their crib might cause them to become frustrated as it is no longer in their usual spot! This could result in them becoming fussy and refusing to go to sleep with the crib in the new spot. 

Fear not, though, as you can move their crib and still get a good night’s sleep! The key to this process is to move nicely and slowly. Each night, you will move their crib ever so slightly to the middle of the room. Because you are doing this so slowly, your baby will hardly notice that their crib is making its way to the middle of the room. Continue doing this until the crib is exactly where you want it! 

Track Your Baby’s Sleep Schedule with Baby Connect

Sleep is essential for your little one’s growth. While they sleep, your baby is working hard on developing their brain and body. If they don’t get enough sleep, you will have an irritable baby on your hands! 

Naps for babies are like peanut butter to jelly. They just go together! Keeping track of their naps is important to ensure that they are getting enough sleep throughout the day so that they have enough energy to continue playing and learning. Baby Connect allows you to document each nap, feeding, and diaper change so that you can take the best care of your baby as much as possible! 

Try Baby Connect for free today.

Jessica Manley

Jessica is an avid writer with a creative mindset. If she isn’t writing, you can find her playing with her two children, crocheting, or lifting weights at the gym.


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